Chapter 15

And time went by, 2 years later...

-U.A Entrance Exam-

[General POV Canon]

A wide and spacious building that seems to have two towering one's stood across each other, and in its center there was a big letter U, and inside of it was letter A signifying the logo of the U.A High School.

When you face forward and walk just straight you can see different numbers 1, 2, 3 on the walls. Lots of people came in this early morning as they don't want to come in late, and as hoping to pass this U.A High School entrance exam.

In the midst, there was seemingly a boy in its 14 or 15 years old panting slightly. He was wearing his middle school uniform, and when you look closely he had a seaweed hair, and lots freckles on its face, along with its short height giving him the look of an average person.

Yes, this was the main protagonist of the canon - Izuku Midoriya a.k.a "DEKU".

Then another grumpy looking punk like student came wearing his middle school uniform as well.

"Don't stand in front of me Deku or I'll kill you!", the boy said.

"Kacchan, Ohayo! Let's do our best later!", greeted by Deku

But the boy who he called 'Kacchan' just ignored him while continued his way through.

Deku then thought: "Ever since that villain incident, Kacchan didn't do anything to me for the rest of the middle school years. *Sigh* Even though he is not bullying me anymore, I am always scared of him out of habit *Second Sigh*. But this time is different, yes! I am different from who I was before".

He then proceeded to reminisce his meeting with All Might, his favourite hero, and how he received his Quirk and became his protege afterwards.

Deku then went on his way but unfortunately he stumbled his feet and almost fell to the ground. But something stop him from falling, it seems like he was levitating. And when Deku came into, he saw a girl before him.

The girl has a ginger colored hair but more darker, wearing a dark brown jacket, a bluish dark backpack on its back, and a skirt partnered with a long black knee high stocking.

"Are you alright?", asked by the girl.

Deku seems to struggle before even he can reply. The girl then grab his shoulder which sign in deactivating her quirk as Deku was able to stand normally right then.

"It's my quirk, sorry for using it without asking your permission first", the girl explained.

"But it would be a bad luck if you fell right? This really makes us nervous down to our cores", she then continued.

While the girl keeps on talking, Deku here just seem to froze or more like just watch the girl.

"Uh.... Eto....", Deku wanted to speak but then-

"Let's do our best okay? See ya!", then the girl left.

"I talked to a girl!", he thought

(He didn't though)

But his fidgeting reaction seem to be caught by others, which he didn't know.

-U.A High School Hero Course Exam Orientation-

A big screen then appeared with the U.A logo imprinted. There the Voice Hero: Present Mic stood in front of the examinees.

"For all of you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say: HEY!!!!"

"...." *silence*

"What a refined response!"

"Then let me present to you quickly the rundown of the practical exam"

"Are you ready? YEAH!!!!!"

"..." *still silence*

But of all the examinees, only Deku seems to be impressed with Present Mic.

"I can't believe it, it's Present Mic, Wow", Deku muttered excitingly.

"I listen to him every week on the radio, I'm so moved!", he added.

"All the teachers at U.A are pro heroes!" but before Deku be drown in amazement...

"Shut up garbage!"

"I'm sorry Kacchan"

Present Mic: "As it says in the application requirements you listeners will be conducting a 10-minute mock urban battles after this. You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?"

A/N: Ohhh! Finally the canon started! So let me just call Izuku here as Deku, but when it comes to others except Bakugo, they either call him Izuku or Midoriya.

(This chap is uploaded early as it signifies the new arc, while the rest of the chapters will be uploaded on the said date.)