Crazy Sister

"K, why are you being like this? You already snatched away the only man she loved, few months ago and now…"

"Hey, what the fuck do you mean by snatched him?" Kiaraa was clearly agitated by what Ian said, "He was the one who proposed me. I was not the one who begged him to marry me. It was him" Kiaraa reminded Ian of what happened in the past.

"Yeah, I know." Ian knows there was no way he could make Kiaraa understand his point as the relationship between the two sisters was beyond repair.

"Anyway, the important thing is, I am going to be there in an hour. After knowing my best friend is alive and I don't show up immediately it would look doubtful." Ian explained why he would be joining them here.

"Hmm, you are right" Kiaraa agreed with his logic.

"Yeah, and I will also ensure everything is fine when they will ask you questions about where you were in the last four months"


"Kiaraa, there is a good chance that these people might try to kill you again, so don't forget the story we made up to ensure your safety. You need to be alive if you want to avenge your parents' death" Ian reminded her as he was worried about her.

By revealing herself, Kiaraa probably endangered her life.

Ian tried to convince her a lot to let Aera and Song Ji Hun get married for now, and she can reveal the fact that she was alive later, after they find out who is actually behind her parents' accident.

He convinced Kiaraa with the logic that, Aera and Song Ji Hun's marriage will be illegal anyway as Kiaraa is still alive but Kiaraa was very stubborn and didn't listen to him.

Although she was not interested in Song Ji Hun, she didn't wish for Aera to have him either, so, only to ruin Aera's happiness she intentionally showed up right before the wedding.

She could have just shown up a day ago too but she wanted to humiliate Aera in front of everyone so this timing.

"Yes Ian" Kiaraa was annoyed with this man, who was overly concerned about her.

"Kiaraa, remember one more important thing. No matter what, not even as a joke, you are going to express any doubt about your parents' sudden demise. Because of what you did last time, you had to end up faking your death."

"Yeah, I won't repeat my mistakes again" Kiaraa assured him.

"What mistakes?" A voice questioned Kiaraa, startling her as she didn't detect anyone's presence in her room.

Kiaraa was clearly scared as she was not sure since when he was standing here and how much of her conversation he already heard.

In reflex, she cut her call and stood up facing him.

"How did you enter my room? I locked it earlier." She questioned the sudden intruder.

"I have the key to this room. This is where I have been staying in for the last two days." Song Ji Hun explained himself.

That was when Kiaraa realized her room was allotted to him as the Lee and the Song family had been living in this farmhouse for the last two days.

They came here from Seoul as Aera expressed her wish to get married at this farmhouse.

"Oh" Kiaraa didn't wish to leave but she neither wished to be in the same room as this man, so she was about to leave when Song Ji Hun, stopped her.

"Can we talk?" He requested her.

"Why?" Kiaraa rudely questioned him raising her eyebrows.

"Since you came back, we didn't even get a chance to have a proper conversation." Song Ji Hun calmly answered her.

Kiaraa chuckled condescendingly, "What the hell do you want to talk about?"

"About this marriage…" Before Song Ji Hun could continue, Kiaraa interrupted him.

"Which one? Your and mine sham marriage or your, almost wedding to my sister, that unfortunately just got ruined?" Kiaraa sarcastically asked him.

Song Ji Hun was not offended by her attitude as he was used to it.

Before marrying Kiaraa he knew what he was getting into, so her arrogance didn't come as a surprise to him rather her nice, innocent act earlier in the presence of both the families, was what stunned him.

"The almost wedding with your sister" Song Ji Hun answered her question, "The reason I agreed to this wedding was because…"

"Look Mr Song, I am not interested in knowing why you want to get married to my sister. It is your business." Kiaraa shared her opinion.

"But still, I want to explain my side of story" Song Ji Hun calmly said.

"Anyway, we all know how crazy my sister is about you and how desperate your mother is to have you two get married. So, I can figure out what must have happened." Kiaraa was not interested in knowing his side of story.

"Also, no need to thank me for saving you from my crazy sister" Kiaraa indirectly reminded him to thank her, as she knows how much he dislikes her sister.