That Night

Kiaraa also wanted to see Song Ji Hun's reaction, she wanted to confirm if he really dislikes Aera, or pretends to do so.

Song Ji Hun smiled at her, "Thank you for rescuing me"

Kiaraa scoffed in annoyance, "I didn't rescue you from her, I rather rescued my sister from marrying a SECOND-HAND MAN" She intentionally taunted him and was about to walk away.

"Second-hand man, huh?" Song Ji Hun suddenly pulled her towards him and pinned her to the wall behind, startling her.

Kiaraa didn't wish to build good relations with Song Ji Hun, so whenever he tries to be nice with her, she always said something to offend him.

Now that there was a good chance that he is the mastermind who killed her parents, how can she be polite to him.

But she didn't expect he would be this offended by her insult that he would pin her like this.

Song Ji Hun trapped Kiaraa between him and the wall, pinning her shoulders to it.

"We have been technically married for almost nine months now and yet we never consummated our marriage. So, can you please explain how did I become second-hand?"

Song Ji Hun recollected she called him second-hand earlier at the wedding in front of all the guests but at that time, given the situation they were in, he let her be.

But now she was again taunting him by calling him something that he was not. If he was indeed a second-hand man, he wouldn't have minded being called that but he wasn't.

Kiaraa Lee was not frightened by his cold personality, she rather stared back into his deep black eyes.

"That's because except for you and me, no one else knows the truth. In the eyes of public, you are indeed a second-hand man" She confidently retorted back.

Song Ji Hun didn't let her go and still pinned her to the wall and seriously nodded his head, "Hmm, you are right, they don't."

Kiaraa smirked at him in victory, "Therefore I can call you second-hand in front of anyone, no one will know I am lying"

"You are absolutely right but I have a problem" Song Ji Hun leaned closer to her, reducing the gap between their faces.

"What problem?"

"I hate my wife lying to other people, so maybe I should help you convert this lie into truth." Song Ji Hun harshly bit on Kiaraa's soft lips, shocking her.

He didn't give her any time to react and cruelly bit her.

Kiaraa pushed him away with full force and shouted at him, "Are you out of your fucking mind? How dare you cross the line?"

She was agitated right now and glared at the man, who was unaffected by her anger and continued smirking at her.

Kiaraa was about to step away when Song Ji Hun again held her wrist and pulled her towards him. This time he tightly hugged her in his arms.

Kiaraa struggled to get out of his hold when his next question froze her.

"You are acting as if we never kissed each other before. Have you forgotten that night?"

Song Ji Hun smiled in satisfaction when Kiaraa stopped struggling after he reminded her of that night.

Taking advantage of her speechlessness, Song Ji Hun leaned towards her and kissed her cheek, "I miss that night a lot, do you ever think about it?"

His lips were still pressed against her cheeks when he questioned her.

Finally, Kiaraa came back to her senses and glared at him, "Let me go" she ordered.

Song Ji Hun decided to not trouble her more and therefore released her from his arms.

Kiaraa furiously stepped into the washroom and closed the door with a bang as she felt disgusted by being kissed by her parents' killer.

Until and unless she doesn't find out who is the actual mastermind behind the conspiracy against her parents. She will consider everyone as her parents' murderers.