Rather Walk Around Naked

After locking the door of the washroom, Kiaraa tried to calm herself down.

She felt dirty when she recollected that night.

During their marriage, Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun were clear that they don't wish to have any marital relations with each other.

It was a sham marriage.

But one night, one thing led to another and they almost consummated their marriage.

A few days after that night, Kiaraa got to know her parents' death was murder and not an accident.

Since then, her focus shifted onto finding more information behind her parents' death and she regretted the night she spent with Song Ji Hun.

Therefore, Kiaraa started avoiding him and they never talked about that night again.

After digging deeper into her parents' death, suddenly there were attempts on Kiaraa, which she luckily escaped and it was then that she decided to fake her death.

Only after faking her death, could she peacefully dig deeper into their death and this plan actually worked.

In the last four months, she got the shock of her life when she found out about a few secrets her simple-looking parents had been hiding.

Then she found out how at some or the other point, her aunt, her uncle, her elder cousin, her sister and her husband created trouble for her parents in one or the other way.

The things the other four people did didn't shock Kiaraa as much as what Aera did.

Kiaraa didn't have any special attachment towards Aera and neither Aera liked Kiaraa that much but Kiaraa was sure Aera loves their parents a lot and would never do anything to harm them.

But oh boy, she couldn't be any more wrong.

So, after knowing how Aera betrayed her parents' trust and helped outsiders, Kiaraa was shocked.

Therefore, she realized if Aera can betray her own parents by falling so low, then the possibility of she killing them for her own gains was equally possible.

And that's how Aera made to the list of her suspects.

Song Ji Hun and Aera were the people Kiaraa doubts the most.

Song Ji Hun was secretly meeting with her parents just a month before their death. There was some conspiracy involved here and since they died soon after it, Kiaraa doubts him too.

Right now, she felt disgusted recollecting the night, she spent with her parents' probable murderer.

'If you are the one truly involved in their death, Mr Song. Then I am going to make you go through hell' Kiaraa made a promise to herself.

Kiaraa then decided to take a bath as she had a long day.

Getting out of her white bridal dress, which she intentionally wore to piss Aera, Kiaraa felt much better.

She is not the person, who prefers wearing such stylish, heavy dresses.

Kiaraa was wearing a t-shirt and jeans the day she got married to Song Ji Hun. That indifferent she was about clothes and attire.

After having a nice hot shower, Kiaraa looked into the bathrobe rack, and face-palmed herself as there were no robes there.

'Fuck, my clothes are still not here. Amazing job, Kiaraa. You were so hell bent on showing up at the wedding to ruin it, that you didn't think through it all. What to do now?'

Kiaraa literally had no clothes to wear, she could just borrow Aera's clothes but that is something she would never do.

Kiaraa will rather walk around naked, than borrow her sister's clothes.

"Mr Song, are you still in the room?" Kiaraa called Song Ji Hun's name but there was no response.

She slowly opened the door, and peeked out from the small slit to check if he was in the room.

He wasn't.

Kiaraa sighed in relief and stepped out the bathroom butt naked and opened the cupboard hoping to find her old clothes.

But she could see only a few pair of shirts and pants, which clearly belonged to Song Ji Hun.

'Fuck my life. These people threw away my clothes. So, insensitive' Kiaraa cursed everyone including herself.

"Wow, what a beautiful view!" Song Ji Hun suddenly greeted her in the exact style, she greeted everyone when she made her grand entry at this wedding.