
"Wow, what a beautiful view!" Song Ji Hun greeted her in the exact style, she greeted everyone when she made her grand entry at this wedding.

Kiaraa froze on her spot, when she heard Song Ji Hun's voice from behind, her exposed back was facing him.

Kiaraa only turned her head and saw Song Ji Hun leaning back on the door that leads to the gallery, and was shamelessly checking her out with a smug smile on his face.

In that moment, she genuinely wished to kill him. He was in the gallery and she didn't check it when she walked out from the washroom.

"Close your eyes" She shouted at him.

"Why should I?" Song Ji Hun was still smiling, his eyes wandering all over her naked body.

"Fuck you" Kiaraa muttered in anger and took out a blue shirt from the cupboard and wore it.

That moment, she realized she was wrong. She would rather wear her enemy's clothes than walk around naked.

"What a disappointment" Song Ji Hun commented when she covered herself.

Although his shirt was not too big, it was long enough to cover her butts.

She turned around to look at the shameless man, "What is wrong with you? Why are you being so shameless?" Kiaraa confronted him, as Song Ji Hun never acted like this before.

In the five months of their marriage, he never crossed the line and always respected her space. If not for the information and proof she got on him, she would have never believed Song Ji Hun could kill her parents.

"What shameless?" Song Ji Hun pretended like he did nothing wrong.

"How dare you check me out?" Kiaraa was pissed right now.

"What's wrong with me checking out 'MY WIFE'?" Song Ji Hun countered her.

Kiaraa narrowed her eyes at him, "According to what you promised me, we are just a married couple on the paper. I am not your wife and you have no rights on me." She reminded him of what they decided before their marriage.

"That doesn't mean I can't check you out. If a naked woman is standing in front of me, you can't expect me to act like a saint and close my eyes. After all, I am a man who has his needs." Song Ji Hun countered her.

Kiaraa smirked and stepped towards him.

Song Ji Hun was still leaning back on the door of the gallery, amused as he was looking forward to see how Kiaraa would respond.

He always enjoys the conversations they have, as she never fails to surprise him.

Kiaraa stood in front of him, daringly facing the scary man.

She suddenly ran her hand on his chest, "So, you have some needs?" Kiaraa seductively questioned him.

Song Ji Hun knows her too well, he wondered what did she have in her mind when she started acting like this but he decided to have fun for now and let her do whatever she wants.

Song Ji Hun looked at the woman who was smiling seductively while her finger was tracing his chest.

He held her wrist, stopping her from touching him and pulled her closer instead.

"Hmm, I do" He answered her.

Kiaraa circled her other arm around his neck and stood on her toes, "Will this satisfy your needs?" She leaned near his neck and slowly sucked on it.

Song Ji Hun was truly surprised as he didn't expect her to act like this.

Feeling her soft lips against his neck, he was losing himself, "Hmm" he hummed softly.

Kiaraa bit on his neck, leaving a hickey on him, before moving to the front side of his chest and left another big hickey there.

Song Ji Hun's hold on her wrist tightened as he enjoyed her actions.

After successfully leaving three visible hickeys on him, Kiaraa moved away from him but Song Ji Hun didn't let go of her wrist and pulled her closer, "Don't go" He requested her.

Kiaraa wanted to punch this guy but lucky for Song Ji Hun, there was a knock on the door interrupting them and thus saving him from her wrath.

'Ahh lucky bastard' Kiaraa cursed in her mind, but she was glad as she successfully marked him.

Song Ji Hun opened the door only to see Aera standing there.

When she saw him, she felt nervous but she had to muster up a lot of courage before coming here as there was something she wanted to discuss with him.

Again, mustering all her courage, she looked him in the eye, "I want to…" but she trailed off in her sentence when she saw a red mark on his neck, Aera then saw there was another mark near it.