Hundred Million Won

Aera was shocked as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Clutching her fist in anger, Aera tried to control her rage, as she was not that dumb and could clearly see what her sister did.

"Aera, if you have nothing to say, can you leave? You are disturbing our sweet time." Kiaraa suddenly appeared there and lovingly hugged Song Ji Hun's arm, resting her head on it, while speaking to Aera.

When Kiaraa walked towards the door and saw Aera, she decided to take advantage of the situation. After all, she didn't leave all those hickeys on Song Ji Hun for no reason. It was her way of torturing her sister.

Lucky for Kiaraa, Aera saw those hickeys earlier than planned, so how could she let go of any opportunity to trouble her.

Aera looked at Kiaraa, who was wearing a man's shirt and it was not rocket science to know, this shirt belonged to Song Ji Hun.

Kiaraa was clearly not wearing anything else beneath this shirt.

Her attire was way too suggestive, that something was indeed going on here between them which got interrupted by Aera.

Biting her lips, to control her tears from falling down her eyes, Aera informed them, "Grandpa, called you two downstairs"

"Why are you delivering this news? Aren't the servants supposed to do this kind of work?" Kiaraa questioned Aera as it was obvious, Aera wished to take advantage of their grandpa to discuss something with Song Ji Hun but again got interrupted by Kiaraa.

Kiaraa then looked at Song Ji Hun and exclaimed, "We are unnecessarily paying these servants, right? Aera is more efficient than them at this job."

Song Ji Hun helplessly looked at Kiaraa, begging her to not drag him in this sisters quarrel.

"I need to make a call" He excused himself and went back to the room, leaving the two sisters alone.

Kiaraa looked at Aera, who was clearly agitated right now.

"Baby sis, you need anything else?" Kiaraa asked her.

"I HATE YOU" Aera declared and walked away from there, with tears flowing from her eyes.

Kiaraa smirked in victory and thought to herself, 'Ahh those disgusting hickeys were totally worth it. I wish troubling the other four people was as easy as torturing Aera. In that case, my life would have been so easier.'

Aera locked the door as soon as she entered her room, and started crying.

She was hoping to talk to Song Ji Hun, but didn't expect she would witness something like this.

Recollecting Kiaraa's arrogance, Aera was agitated. Her entire body was burning with rage.

She wiped away the tears from her eyes and opened the contacts list on her phone.

She looked at the name of the person, she never wished to contact again but Kiaraa left her with no choice.

With her fingers shivering in fear, Aera dialled the number and within two rings, the call was answered.

"Ms Lee, long time no see" The person from the other end greeted her, "Sorry about your wedding, just saw the news" he added.

"You don't need to be sorry" Aera was annoyed as she received calls and messages from many people, expressing their condolences for her ruined wedding but she could see, they were all mocking her.

The person from the other end sinisterly laughed.

"When I got the news that Kiaraa Lee is alive, I was expecting this call from you."

"Obviously you would receive a call for not doing your job well" Aera was trying to control her rage.

"Are you sure you should be rude the person, who is helping you get rid of your sister?" The person from the other side asked her.

"How the fuck did you fail? You assured me she died in that accident. Don't forget, I paid you a lot of money to get rid of her" Aera was furious and boiling in anger.

"Hey, calm down. Even I am not sure, how she managed to survive that cruel blast. This time, I'll try my best to kill her." The person promised.

"Good, ensure I see her body this time" Aera warned him.

"Yes boss. As soon as you transfer a Hundred Million Won, I'll kill her"

Aera's eyes widened in surprise, "Last time, I already paid you a Hundred Million Won, and you didn't even do your task properly. Then why the fuck should I pay you again?"

The person from the other end laughed at her, "You are still a baby, if you don't know how these things work, then don't involve yourself in such activities."

'Today is the worst day of my life' Aera thought to herself, "Give me some time, I'll arrange the money but do ensure Kiaraa is dead this time" Aera seriously said.

"Yes boss" The person cut the call and Aera washed her face before heading downstairs as Grandpa Lee indeed called everyone.