
When Aera reached the living room, she saw the whole family sitting there. Even Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun were present.

Unlike earlier, Kiaraa was wearing a long gown, which clearly belonged to their aunt, Lee Min Seo.

Aera then observed everyone present there and she could see they were all feeling a bit awkward and when she followed their gazes she realized, they all noticed the hickeys on Song Ji Hun.

"Ji Hun, close the top two buttons of your shirt" His mother finally spoke up as she was annoyed at her son for flaunting his bedroom activities for everyone to see just after his wedding with Aera was cancelled.

Song Ji Hun was clueless as he didn't check himself in the mirror and came downstairs for this gathering.

He had no idea what his wicked wife did.

"Mom, it is a bit hot" Song Ji Hun refused to close his buttons and he had no idea why his mother was treating him like a three-year old.


"I know you are meeting your wife after four months, but you don't have to flaunt it" Grandpa Song tried to indirectly ask his grandson to behave himself and Song Ji Hun was still clueless.

Kiaraa was enjoying all of this as Aera too was present here. She intentionally leaned closer to Song Ji Hun and whispered, "The hickeys I left earlier are visible"

That's when Song Ji Hun realized what she did and he closed the top two buttons of his shirt but alas, Kiaraa intentionally left them at places which can't be covered by just buttoning up his shirt.

So, she was happy.

"Kiaraa dear, are you feeling better now or still tired?" Grandpa Lee asked her, worriedly and he didn't bother himself with anything else. Right now, his granddaughter was back and he didn't care about anything else.

Kiaraa politely smiled at the old man, "I am fine grandpa, but I want to rest a bit more"

"Hmm, rest as much as you want dear" Grandpa smiled at her.

"I called you all to discuss something" Grandpa Lee looked at everyone present in the room, especially his two children and four grandchildren.

The six people were curiously looking at grandpa, wondering what he wants to discuss so suddenly.

"As you all remember, few months ago when I disowned Kiaraa, I removed her name from the inheritance but now I decided to forgive her for what she did and I am going to add her name back in" Grandpa Lee declared.

Lee Min Seo, Lee Man Sik his two children and one grandson, Choi Yuk were upset when grandpa Lee added Kiaraa back in the inheritance. Aera was upset that grandpa Lee decided to forgive Kiaraa for what she did.

Lee Gun, was the only person happy with grandpa's decision.

"What an amazing news grandpa. Can this day get any better? My sister came back alive and now grandpa decided to forgive her. Kiaraa, we need to celebrate" Lee Gun excitedly declared.

Lee Man Sik, helplessly shook his head when he heard the excitement in his dumb son's voice.

'Does this idiot realize, now he will get less share in the Lee assets?' Lee Man Sik thought to himself.

Kiaraa smiled seeing how happy her younger brother is and looked at grandpa, "Grandpa, thank you so much for forgiving me. I am happy and it is enough for me. I don't need any share in the inheritance." Kiaraa declared surprising everyone present there as they all know how greedy Kiaraa is.

"What? Why would you say that?" Grandpa Lee was surprised too.

"Grandpa, I have my own business and whatever belongs to Ji Hun, is all mine. As long as I have Ji Hun, I don't need anything else" Kiaraa declared holding her husband, Song Ji Hun's hand.

Song Ji Hun was taken aback when he heard her cheesy words.

Just like others, he too knows how greedy Kiaraa is as she always eyed the CEO position of the Lee Conglomerate.

After her father's death, she was supposed to take over it but circumstances resulted in grandpa Lee disowning her.

The old man, knew of her capabilities and was aware the she is the only person, capable enough to run his entire business empire but after what Kiara did that day, he couldn't forgive her and disowned her.