
Everyone stood up in shock when they heard what grandpa Lee said on the phone.

"Dad, do you realize what you are doing?" Lee Man Sik, who had been calm till now observing the family drama unfold in front of him, couldn't keep his calm and shouted at his father.

Grandpa Lee has three children, his first son is Kiaraa and Aera's father, second is his daughter, Lee Min Seo, who is married in the Choi family and Choi Hyuk is her son, third is his son Lee Man Sik, who has only one son named Lee Gun.

Out of his three children, Kiaraa and Aera's father, Lee Myung Soo was the smartest and the most capable, therefore the whole family business was under his control.

Lee Min Seo, in her young days was rebellious and spoiled. She never cared about business and she only cared about partying and hanging out with her friends.

During one such outing, she met Choi Chan Woo at a very young age and one day spontaneously she made a decision to marry him and in spite of opposition from her father, she got married to Choi Chan Woo.

The first ten years of their marriage went fine but after that, things didn't work out, so she got separated from him, left her home and came back to the Lees.

Since then, she and her son Choi Hyuk had been living with the Lees.

That was when Lee Min Seo realized the importance of having hold on power. She tried to inculcate herself in the family business but she was not able to manage or understand anything as she lacked the skills required.

Therefore, she decided to train her son well, so that he can take over the Lee conglomerate someday but unfortunately for her, Kiaraa, her niece too had her eyes on the same things as she.

Lee Man Sik, had been the youngest and most pampered kid of the Lee family. Although, he had the resources to enjoy and party, he was always studious and focussed on his studies more.

When it was time for him to take over a high position in the Lee industries, everyone realized this son of theirs is good at studies and theoretical knowledge but lacked practical understanding.

He was not good at handling business and clients, therefore slowly he too lost his hold on the Lee industries and worked under his elder brother's shadow.

Just like his elder sister, he too hoped to train his son well enough to take over the Lee Industries and hold the power through him.

Kiaraa was the biggest hurdle they all had. When grandpa Lee disowned her, except for Lee Gun and Aera, every Lee partied that night.

Lee Gun loved his sister, Kiaraa and always looked up to her. He was therefore, heartbroken at grandpa Lee's decision.

Kiaraa married the man, Aera had been in love with, all her life, so she was heartbroken too but for a different reason. Even grandpa Lee's decision to disown Kiaraa didn't make her happy as she lost her true love to her sister. Nothing could make her feel better.

Therefore, now, when they heard grandpa Lee's decision to transfer Lee conglomerate legally to Kiaraa, everyone was shocked and unhappy.

"Dad, do you realize what you are doing?" Lee Man Sik, shouted at his father. He couldn't keep calm seeing everything that belonged to them was being given away to Kiaraa.

"Dad, don't talk to grandpa in this tone" Lee Gun couldn't believe his calm and silent, father was shouting at his grandpa.

"You don't dare meddle in between" Lee Man Sik warned his son and looked at his father.

"Dad, how can you transfer everything to Kiaraa? What about your other three grandchildren?" He questioned him.

Aera and Choi Hyuk came downstairs, when they heard someone shout, only to witness their quiet, composed uncle shouting at the old man.

"I agree with Man Sik, dad. What about Aera, Choi Hyuk and Lee Gun?" Lee Min Seo too asked her father.

She didn't care about Aera and Lee Gun but Aera is grandpa Lee's favourite grandchild, so she wanted to use her and to get Lee Man Sik's support she had to mention his son.

"Do we only have Lee conglomerate? We have many other properties, jewellery and antiques; it will be distributed equally amongst all the four grandkids. You all don't have to worry." Grandpa Lee answered his children.

"Four grandkids? Which means Kiaraa will overall get more from you than other three?" Lee Man Sik asked his father.

"Yes" Grandpa Lee unhesitatingly said.

A smirk was painted on Kiaraa's lips when she heard the firm decision of her grandfather.

"Control your happiness, don't betray your acting or all your efforts will be wasted" Song Ji Hun whispered in his wife's ears.

Kiaraa immediately composed herself and glared at him, "Don't preach me" She mouthed these words, before turning her attention back to the family drama.

Kiaraa always loves whenever there is some drama in her family.