I Want To Be The CEO

Kiaraa always loves whenever there is some drama in her family.

"Dad, are you serious? How is this fair to Aera, Hyuk and Gun?" Lee Min Seo was pissed at her father's decision.

Their eldest brother, Lee Myung Soo had more power and more assets than her and Man Sik and now Kiaraa would be holding more power than their children.

Lee Min Seo and Lee Man Sik were not fine with having their children suffer the same fate as them.

"Elder sister is right, you are being unfair to Aera, Hyuk and Gun" Lee Man Sik added in support of his sister.

"Dad, I don't need…"

"YOU SHUT UP!!!" Lee Man Sik shouted at his son, who was about to say he doesn't care about all of this.

"Why it has to be fair?" Grandpa Lee questioned his two children surprising them.

"What do you mean, father?" Lee Min Seo couldn't believe what her dad said.

"I built Lee conglomerate all by myself, then it was Myung Soo who brought our companies to its current position. What the hell did you two do except for enjoying money mined through his hard work? When you used to party till late night, it was Myung Soo who used to stay at the office till late hours, working his ass off." Grandpa Lee taunted his daughter before turning to look at his son.

"When you messed up deals because of your stupidity and lack of practical knowledge, it was Myung Soo, who corrected your mistakes and saved the company from heavy losses" Grandpa Lee taunted his son.

"You two, have been nothing but just a burden on the family. Myung Soo did all the hard work so being his daughter, Kiaraa deserves to inherit more than others" Grandpa Lee made himself clear.

Kiaraa, who was completely enjoying this drama, was shocked when her quiet sister suddenly spoke up.

"Then what about me, grandpa?" Aera questioned him.

Not just Kiaraa but everyone present in the room were shocked.

Aera was the kindest person in this house. She was not greedy and never had her eyes on money or Lee conglomerate. Whole her life, she only wanted to be Song Ji Hun's wife and needed nothing else.

If it would have been old Aera, she wouldn't have cared about all this drama but today the scenario was different.

Today, she decided to not keep quiet like she did her whole life, today she will fight for her rights.

"What about me, grandpa? I am also my dad's daughter. If Kiaraa deserves to have everything as dad built this whole organization, then don't I equally deserve it?" Aera questioned her grandpa, who was as shocked as everyone present there.

'WHAT THE FUCK!!' Kiaraa loudly cursed in her mind. She never thought her kitten-like sister, would suddenly turn the tables like this.

Kiaraa was about to speak up, when Song Ji Hun suddenly held her hand, stopping her from saying anything.

"Now is not the time" Song Ji Hun whispered in a low volume.

'Why is he suddenly favouring Aera?' Kiaraa was pissed at him and pulled her hand back from his hold.

"What about me, grandpa?" Aera again asked her grandpa.

"Aera, I thought you are not interested in business. Your modelling career is going great. So, I thought…"

"Grandpa, I want to be the CEO of the Lee conglomerate" Aera declared surprising everyone present there.

Kiaraa was the most shocked as she never thought her dumb sister would play a dirty trick like this.

'Playing dirty is my thing, Aera. Not Yours' At that moment, Kiaraa wished to kill her sister.

Choi Hyuk, Lee Min Seo and Lee Man Sik were shocked too and were standing speechlessly. After composing herself, Lee Min Seo decided to speak up but her son stopped her.

"Aera, will be in our control, don't worry" Choi Hyuk assured his mother as he reminded her in a whisper of how they always kept Aera in their control.

"Dad, I don't mind Aera taking over the Lee conglomerate" Lee Min Seo immediately expressed her support.

"Yes grandpa, even I am fine if Aera takes over the CEO position" Choi Hyuk added.

Aera got emotional seeing her elder brother and aunt supporting her.

Lee Man Sik looked at his sister in surprise as he didn't understand why she agreed to Aera being the CEO but he too decided to express his support as anyone was better than Kiaraa to take over this power.

Aera was a simple girl so they can manipulate her later, therefore he too supported Aera.

Aera was overwhelmed with happiness as she didn't expect their family would support her decision. This made her proud for what she did.

Kiaraa was annoyed as she could see why everyone was in favour of Aera.

'I am not going to let Aera take anything that belongs to me' Kiaraa promised herself.

"Are you all serious?" Grandpa Lee didn't expect the whole family to be in Aera's support.

"No, I disagree. Elder sister is more perfect for this role, as she is trained and she has her own business which had been doing well even when she was not here for the last four months. That is the kind of business she built" Lee Gun, spoke up in support of Kiaraa.

'Gun is the only one in this family who truly cares about me. I am forever thankful to you, Gun for being a part of my life' Kiaraa thought to herself.

"All of you, calm down" Grandpa Lee was confused with this current situation.

Aera was his favourite grandchild, who didn't ask him for anything else till date except for Song Ji Hun.

He couldn't even bring her the guy she wants.

Song Ji Hun was not a thing, so it was not in grandpa Lee's control to get him for Aera but this CEO position is something he can actually give her.

But he just promised Kiaraa he will give it to her.

Right now, he was in a very tough dilemma as he had no idea, what to do.