[Bonus chapter]I don't Love her

After a while, Kiaraa came out of the bath wearing a light-yellow coloured cotton dress, her hair was wet so she stepped towards the mini cupboard to search for a hair dryer.

Sensing the moment in the room, Song Ji Hun, who had been in deep thoughts until now, stepped inside.

Seeing her state he scolded her, "Are you crazy? Why would you wet your hair at night? You'll catch cold"

"Stop pretending like you care" Kiaraa was still searching for her dryer.

From some other drawer, Song Ji Hun calmly took out what she is looking for and handed it to her.

"I am not pretending, Kiaraa. I do care" He replied.

Kiaraa chuckled as if she heard some joke, "Please, save that act for someone else. I am pretty sure, after Aera it must have been you who was disappointed seeing me alive."

Song Ji Hun decided to ask her what has been on his mind, since she uttered those words.

It was a good opportunity.

"Today morning why did you ask if I was disappointed to see you here and rather wished you were dead? Why would you accuse me of something like that?"

His eyes looked very sad which didn't go unnoticed by her.

'Why does he look so offended?' Kiaraa wondered.

"Why would I wish for you to be dead, Kiaraa? If that's what I wanted why would I even marry you?" Song Ji Hun seriously questioned her.

"I casually said those words, don't mind me" Kiaraa coldly answered him.

"Casually also don't say such stuff" Song Ji Hun warned her and headed downstairs as he wanted to breathe in some fresh air and smoke.

'What is wrong with him?' she asked herself.

Downstairs Song Ji Hun ran into Ian, 'Fuck my life' Ji Hun cursed in his heart and stepped out in the lawn ignoring him

But Ian ignored his obvious rude gesture and followed him out.

"Bro, what's up. Earlier we didn't get a chance to have a proper conversation, right?" Ian cheerfully smiled, greeting the cold man.

"Why should we even converse?" Song Ji Hun wanted to be alone for a while and was not in mood to entertain him.

"Because we are best friends Ji Hun" Ian said only to get glared at by the cold guy.

"Okay, okay Yang Nam-il is your best friend, happy?" Ian asked to only get ignored by Song Ji Hun, who took out a cigarette.

"Kiaraa doesn't like smokers" Ian reminded him.

"Why would I care?"

"You are her husband and therefore you should care of your wife's likes and dislikes." Ian said as a matter-of-fact.

"Oh, I am surprised you accept that I am her husband" Song Ji Hun taunted Ian.

"Woah! Am I sensing some sarcasm?" Ian didn't lose his cheerful personality.

"Seeing the way you behave, I don't think you accepted that she is married now and would never be yours"

Song Ji Hun's harsh words stunned Ian.

"Hmm, she is not mine on paper but she trusts me more than her own husband, she also cares about me and loves me" Ian's cheerful personality was gone and was replaced by a cold aura.

"Yeah, she indeed loves you" Song Ji Hun agreed, "But as a friend" he added pissing Ian.

"At least she loves me" Ian countered.

"Hmm, congratulations" Song Ji Hun took a puff from his cigarette, looking at the landscape ahead.

"Are you jealous?" Ian tried to provoke him.

"Why would I be jealous?" Song Ji Hun looked unaffected.

"If my wife is closer to her best friend and hates me, then I would be jealous" Ian said.

"That's your problem"

Ian smiled seeing Song Ji Hun trying hard to look unaffected, "In reality, this is your problem"

"It is not"

"You know what, Ji Hun? Your love towards Kiaraa is very obvious, but of course, she can't see through it. She never could" Ian commented, talking from his personal experience.

"I don't love her"

Ian chuckled as if he heard a joke, "I pity you Song Ji Hun. You couldn't even confess to the woman you love. You had to manipulate her and get married"

This time Song Ji Hun didn't bother to reply and continued smoking.

"I still don't understand one thing. If you love Kiaraa so much, why would you agree to marry Aera? Why?" Ian deeply thought.

"Ji Hun, why?" Ian again asked as he didn't get a reply.

"None of your business" Song Ji Hun stepped away from him but the next minute he saw Aera standing a few feet away from them.

"Can I have a word with you?" she requested him politely.