
"Can I have a word with you?" she requested him politely.

Song Ji Hun wondered why he keeps coming across the people he wishes to avoid but he agreed to Aera's request as that was the least, he could do for her after everything that happened and also as he too played a role in awakening her dream before crushing it.


Song Ji Hun and Aera stepped away to the other side and Ian frustratedly turned off the recording on his phone. He was hoping to capture Song Ji Hun's love confession and show it to Kiaraa hoping that she would leave Ji Hun after finding out the truth.

"I am sorry for how the events turned" Aera nervously apologized to Ji Hun.

"Are you apologizing for your sister being alive?" Song Ji Hun frowned hearing her words.

"No, I mean… I am sorry we all forced you to agree to this marriage… Kiaraa must be misunderstanding you and giving you a hard time…" Aera nervously bit on her lips.

She was not sure why but this man's presence always made her nervous, her heart beats faster when he is around.

Every time he talks to her, her silly heart flutters.

Aera can't help but pay attention to every word of his, trying to memorize it forever, trying to capture every moment with him in her brain.

Till date since their childhood, Song Ji Hun hardly used more than two hundred words while interacting with her, so every word he said was very precious for Aera.

"That's my problem" Song Ji Hun interrupted her.

"Hmm, but if you want, I can talk to Kiaraa and explain nothing happened between us in the last four months…"

"No need"

Aera was thinking of what to say to keep him stay with her for at least a few more minutes so that she can look at his handsome face to her heart's content for some more time.

"I'll try my best to get over you, now that Kiaraa is back" Aera declared.

"Thank you" Song Ji Hun looked indifferent but he was sincerely hoping Aera meant what she said.

"You have anything else to say to me?" Aera hopefully asked him, she wished to know that at least for a second, just a second Song Ji Hun felt bad for Kiaraa's appearance that ruined their wedding.

Song Ji Hun shook his head in no, disappointing her.

"Hey sis" Kiaraa's cheerful voice suddenly greeted Aera, startling her.

Song Ji Hun and Aera turned to the other side to see Kiaraa smiling brightly at them.

"Am I interrupting something important?" Kiaraa teasingly asked them.

"No" Song Ji Hun answered her and looked at Aera, "Anything else?"

Aera anxiously shook her head in no, so Song Ji Hun stepped away from there leaving the two sisters alone.

"Seems like your lingering feels have still not gone" Kiaraa taunted her sister.

"You are talking as if you just discovered the truth now. Haven't you been taunting me about it since you arrived?" 

Aera didn't back down as this time no one was around them. It was only her and Kiaraa in the lawn. She didn't have to continue her fake pretence.

"And yet you are shamelessly drooling over my man" The beautiful smile didn't leave Kiaraa's lips.

"Your Man?" Aera chuckled as if she heard some joke.

"What's so funny baby sis? Please share it with me, I want to laugh too" Kiaraa was not offended by Aera's actions, rather she was amused.

"Remember in the past, we once made a deal?" Aera asked her elder sister.

Kiaraa laughed recollecting that silly deal, "Don't tell me you took that deal seriously? We were kids at that time, Aera"

"And yet you immediately remembered what I was referring to?" Aera smirked in satisfaction as she expected Kiaraa to pretend she doesn't remember that 'silly' deal at all.

The smile on Kiaraa's face froze, as she fell in the trap.

"Hmm, what if I remember it? Big deal"

"You promised you will never eye 'my man' and…"

"Mine" Kiaraa interrupted Aera and took a step towards her, decreasing the gap between them, "He is mine. Dare you refer to him, as yours and you'll see the worse side of me" 

Aera gulped in fear, when she saw the rage in Kiaraa's eyes.

"Why Kiaraa? Why are you doing all of this? You don't even like him" Aera tried to control the rising rage in her body.

"That's none of your business. Just have some self-respect and stay away from my man." Kiaraa warned her and was about to walk away, when Aera made an offer, stopping Kiaraa in her tracks.