No Trust

Grandpa then called a butler and asked him to send Aera to this room.

Aera, herself was panicking about this Choi Hyuk situation and wondered if she was supporting wrong people, when the butler delivered her the message.

Within a minute, she was in grandpa's room. 

Seeing Kiaraa there, her shields were up.

"Aera dear, come here" Grandpa pointed at the seat opposite to him.

Kiaraa was sitting next to her grandpa, while Aera sat across them.

"Aera, I know we are going through something very tough right now but we can't ignore a few important things which needs our attention"

Grandpa Lee started explaining and Aera nodded her head.

"Our share prices are falling and we need to take some immediate action to protect our business" He added.

"I understand grandpa, so what's the plan?" Aera asked him.

Grandpa looked at Kiaraa, understanding his intention, Kiaraa explained, "We need to make an official announcement that you would be taking over the Lee Conglomerate…"

"Actually, I have some change in plans" Grandpa interrupted Kiaraa as she seemed to have misunderstood him.

"What change, grandpa?" Aera had a bad feeling about it.

"Aera, I know grandpa promised to make you the CEO but unfortunately all of this happened. You are a top model and are doing great in your field but you didn't study business management."

Suddenly the hope Kiaraa lost in the afternoon was back. She wanted to jump in joy as she could predict grandpa's next words.

"Given the current scenario, it would be a problem to our business if we announce you as the CEO given your lack of qualifications, so…"

"So, you will announce elder sister as the CEO instead?" Aera completed his statement on his behalf.

Grandpa Lee nodded his head, without looking into Aera's eyes.

Aera scoffed, smiling sadly.

"You promise to give me something grandpa, then either elder sister snatches it away or you yourself hand it over to her. That's how my life has always been."

Aera fought the tears before saying, "Fine grandpa. This business is yours. You should do whatever you want to do with it. I have no right to claim what belongs to you. Please go ahead with what you planned"

Aera stood up to leave when grandpa stopped her, "Dear, please try to understand the current scenario. After what Choi Hyuk did, we now have to do everything that is in the best interest for our business. That's why…"

"It's okay, grandpa. Please don't explain yourself. For you, business was always above us, so I am not even surprised with this decision"

Kiaraa and grandpa were shocked. Aera, never talked to her grandpa like this.

This is the kind of behaviour that was expected from Kiaraa but Aera.

'Seems like after all the shocks she got in one day, my baby sis' true personality is finally coming out' Kiaraa smirked.

"Aera, I am still not done. Let me finish" Grandpa Lee composed himself and pointed at the couch asking Aera to sit.

Today, Aera's dream wedding was ruined. After making a promise, in the afternoon, grandpa was breaking it at night. So, he decided to let go of her rude behaviour.

Aera didn't go against her grandpa's request and sat there.

"I suggest just like how Kiaraa trained under me and your father. You start getting trained under her and once the business is stable and Choi Hyuk's scandal is forgotten by everyone, you can take over the CEO position" 

Grandpa Lee shared his whole plan, calming Aera but pissing Kiaraa.

'Of course, his plan involves using me' Kiaraa thought but she looked normal on the outside, 'I'll ensure to fail your plans, grandpa' she decided.

"Really grandpa, that's the plan?" Aera asked for confirmation.

"Of course."

"I am sorry grandpa, but I know you way too well. So, I would request you to give me this in writing" Aera declared shocking Kiaraa.

"In writing?" Grandpa Lee too was taken aback.

"Yeah, I don't trust Kiaraa and neither you grandpa. So, I want a legal document that would state, the ownership of Lee Conglomerate will be transferred to me after all the scenarios you just said are done."