
"Wow, you don't trust our word?" Grandpa still couldn't believe it was the same Aera, in front of him, whom he adored the most.

"Believe me grandpa, any person in their sane mind should never trust you two" Aera declared surprising the old man and amusing Kiaraa.

'Baby sis, is learning a lot of things'

"Fine, I don't mind signing a legal document" Kiaraa declared.

"Okay, then I won't mind too" Grandpa Lee agreed before adding, "But I must say Aera, although you personally disappointed me by making this kind of request, professionally you impressed me"

"Glad to know that, grandpa" Aera politely smiled and looked at her sister, who weirdly looked proud of her.

'Am I overthinking or is Kiaraa proud of me?' Aera wondered and left.

"Grandpa, you should sleep, it is getting late" Kiaraa helped him lie down on the bed and after tugging him in the comforter, she left the room.

"Kiaraa, can we talk?" Aera requested, she was waiting for her in the living room.


The two sisters again stepped outside in the lawn.

"Earlier, you accused me of trying to kill you…"

"It wasn't an accusation; it was a declaration" Kiaraa interrupted her.

"How do you know it was me?" Aera asked her.

"I know everything, Aera. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't wrench in pain to see my baby sis trying to kill me" Kiaraa looked sad and disappointed.

"Don't pull your drama in front of me. If you would have been in my place, then you too would have tried to kill me" Aera confidently declared.

"No, I don't kill, it is illegal. I anyway have better ways to torture you" Kiaraa shamelessly smirked not hiding her hatred.

"Like getting married to the man, I always loved?"

"Gosh, Aera. Get over it" Kiaraa was now irritated with this talk.

Fighting over a man was frustrating and yet she kept up with it for around twelve hours to entertain herself but now, she was exhausted.

"Get over it? Seriously, Kiaraa? You knew how much I loved him. You used to tease me about it during our childhood. Then one day, you suddenly show up at our home, marrying him. Why Kiaraa? Why did you do this to me?" 

Since Song Ji Hun and Kiaraa's wedding, this was the first time, Aera questioned her about this huge betrayal. 

"I had my reasons" Kiaraa for the first time felt bad for Aera, as she indeed betrayed her.

"Please tell me not even for one moment you felt love towards him" Aera hopefully and desperately begged her as Kiaraa actually answered her previous question instead of dodging it. 

So, she wanted to get answers to all her questions.

For a second, cloud of hesitation covered Kiaraa's eyes but she immediately composed herself, "Why does it matter, Aera? You should give up and move on from him. He is mine now. You can find someone better for yourself"

Aera couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Then why not you find someone better for yourself and leave him for me? You don't even like him, Kiaraa"

"Do you love him so much that you didn't hesitate to kill me for his sake?" Kiaraa ignored her sister's words and asked what had been bothering her since the moment Aera conspired to kill her.

"Yes, I don't mind killing anyone for him" Aera didn't deny as it was indeed the truth.

"Can you even go as far as killing our parents for him?" Kiaraa suddenly asked surprising Aera.

Earlier, Kiaraa had a small doubt if she misunderstood Aera as one of the suspects in her parents' murder.

Therefore, she couldn't control herself from confronting her sister.

"What?" Aera shouted in disbelief.

"Can you kill our parents for Song Ji Hun?" Kiaraa asked again.

"Are you out of your mind? Why the hell will I kill my own parents for anyone? Even if I killed them to have Song Ji Hun, do I actually have him? No, right? Why would I lose my parents, Kiaraa? They are not even related to him in anyway. How dare you accuse me of something like this?" 

Aera's anger knew no bounds when she heard Kiaraa's accusation.

Her eyes reflected her anger one could see how offended she was.

Kiaraa sighed in relief, as she could clearly see Aera was being honest.

Earlier, when Kiaraa accused Aera for trying to kill her, Aera was shaken but right now, she looked truly upset.

Kiaraa knows her sister well enough to understand when she is lying and when she is being honest.

'Hmm, we indeed misunderstood, Aera' Kiaraa concluded but she didn't mind ruining her wedding as the end of the day, Song Ji Hun was hers.

"Okay" Kiaraa casually responded.

"Kiaraa, mom and dad's deaths were an accident not a murder" Aera reminded her as that's what they all believed until Kiaraa came across the shocking truth only she knew of.

"Hmm, I know. I just wanted to see how crazy your love is towards my man" Kiaraa changed the topic.

"My love towards Song Ji Hun knows no bounds, I can do anything for him but of course, I am not going to kill my own parents" Aera reiterated.

"But you can betray them?" Kiaraa's question came as a surprise to Aera.

"What do you mean?" Aera's eyes blinked in fear and she was trying to not show how scared she was.

"Did you help Song Ji Hun's mother in a few deals by betraying our parents?" Kiaraa directly asked her.