Nobody Cares

"Did you help Song Ji Hun's mother in a few deals by betraying our parents?" Kiaraa directly asked her.

"Kiaraa, do you know something?" The guilt on Aera's face could clearly be seen.

"How could you betray mom, dad's trust in you?" Kiaraa questioned her as it was evident now that Aera indeed betrayed them.

The tears which were being controlled until now, flowed down from Aera's cheeks.

"Kiaraa, I had no idea it was a big deal, I just wanted to win mom's favour, so I helped her. I casually mentioned the bid price. I had no idea, she would use it against us, I am so sorry" Aera explained herself, still crying.

After this incident, Kiaraa and Aera's parents died in the car accident so Aera always felt guilty for betraying her parents just before their deaths.

This guilt had been killing her all these months.

Aera couldn't even bring herself to visit the memorial vault of her parents due to the same reason.

"And in spite of she using you, you joined hands with her to get me killed? Even now you two are close" Kiaraa didn't melt seeing Aera in tears.

"Yes, I was feeling very guilty for betraying mom and dad but I also love Song Ji Hun's mom a lot. After mom, dad's death she apologized to me for making me betray them and so…"

"So, you forgave her?" Kiaraa raised her eyebrows in question to which Aera nodded.

"Aera, I knew you were dumb since birth but how can you be this dumb? Can't you see that woman is manipulating you? She has always been"

"Kiaraa, you are wrong, she loves me a lot…"

"Aera, she is using you. We don't use our loved ones. She always assured to you that you are going to be her daughter-in-law but not once she dared to force Ji Hun to marry you until my death."

"That's because…"

"Stop trying to justify her actions. She might like you but you can't deny she is also using you. Her son has always been stubborn and yet she gave you false hopes without checking with him. At least now you have to realize who cares for you and who don't" 

Aera scoffed hearing Kiaraa's words.

"Cares for me? Kiaraa, let's face it, no one truly cares for me" Aera continued crying, "Since my birth, my own elder sister never cared about me. My elder cousin was obviously using me which implies my aunt too was using me. Uncle was always only polite to me and was never caring. Grandpa acts like he loves me the most but we all know he loves money and his business the most. The man I love is clearly into my sister. The only woman, who cares for me is now being accused of manipulating and using me, by you. Our parents were the only ones, who truly cared for me but they are no more. Please, name one person, who truly cares for me?" Aera asked turning Kiaraa speechless.

Kiaraa was stunned as she always believed Aera was more loved between them. 

Everyone loves her sweet, polite personality but now listening to Aera's words realization was drawn upon her that Aera is right. 

Indeed no one truly cares for her, not even Kiaraa herself.

"Hmm, maybe we are the same in this matter, nobody cares about us." Kiaraa was not sure why but she wanted to make Aera feel better but instead Aera laughed as if she heard some joke.

"Kiaraa, there are a lot of people who care about you. Gun cares for you, Ian cares for you, entire Kim family loves and cares for you, and you know what pains me the most?" Aera asked a shocked Kiaraa.

Before Kiaraa could say anything, Aera added, "The man I pined for my whole life, whose one glance is enough to make me happy, he too only cares for you" 

Aera broke down at this last sentence and fell on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably sitting on her knees.

Kiaraa wanted to feel happy seeing Aera's state but she was not able to.

Her heart was wrenching in pain.

'What is wrong with me? Why does it hurt to see Aera cry like this? What should I do?' Kiaraa wondered and as if her body had a mind of its own, she too sat on her knees and hugged her sister.

"Calm down, Aera, I care for you" Kiaraa too didn't believe herself but she wanted to say something comforting as she was sure her parents would be disappointed seeing Aera break down like this.

"No, you don't… you hate me… you hate me" Aera cried tightly hugging Kiaraa, who was gently stroking her back.

"Fine, I hate you but I also care for you. That's why I stopped you from marrying a second-hand man. I want you to marry a fresh, first-hand man. You will find someone better than him." Kiaraa was not even sure what she is blabbering but she was trying to say anything that would make Aera feel better.

"Kiaraa, you are so bad at consoling" Aera continued crying but she smiled for a moment when she heard the word, second-hand.

Kiaraa kept stroking her back, while Aera continued crying in her arms.

Song Ji Hun was smoking a cigarette, while witnessing this scene from his room's gallery. A faint smile was painted on his lips and he captured this moment in his phone.

After extinguishing his cigarette, he called his friend, Yang Nam-il.

"Ji Hun, I saw the news…" He worriedly said as soon as he answered the call.

"Hmm, just ensure no one ever finds out about our involvement in this scandal. Also, make sure Choi Hyuk suffers enough and doesn't dare to open his mouth" 

Song Ji Hun's voice sounded cold which could make shivers pass through one's spine.

"I will do that but what if Kiaraa knows about our involvement?" Yang Nam-il worriedly asked.

"She already knows" Song Ji Hun answered his friend, shocking him.

He again looked at the two sisters, where one woman was consoling the other one, he lightly smiled before going back to sleep.