Log Flume Ride

Kiaraa and Song Ji Hun successfully solved many clues and just found the next clue.

Song Ji Hun checked the time on his watch and said, "It is just 4:25 pm, we are going good"

"We are a good team" Kiaraa happily declared as today she was impressed with this guy, who matched her intelligence and smartly navigated through this game.

At first, she thought she would be doing majority of the work but surprisingly Song Ji Hun was as passionate about this game as her and he too was competitive.

Not once he slacked around or suggested they take a break, or rest for a few minutes or go for a snack. He was completely invested in it and hunted for clues, as if his life depends on it.

Kiaraa hanged out with guys like Ian and Song Ji Hwan, who always keep slacking around and never take anything seriously.

When she acts serious about a certain thing, the best these two guys do is make fun of her or demotivate her.