
"We are not able to find the next clue" Kiaraa spoke.

"You two need to sit on this log and go inside the water, inside the pool you will find the next clue" The staff member informed her.

Since, tasks too were involved, after confirming the players properly cracked the clue, the staff tells them what needs to be done next.

It was all a well-planned, fun event. 

"Are you kidding me?" Kiaraa almost shouted at the staff after knowing she has to get into the water to find the next clue.

"You didn't think we will make the clues easier, did you?" The staff person joked in a friendly way.

"Can you believe it?" Kiaraa got annoyed and complained about this game to Song Ji Hun, who was trying to hide his smile as he could see she now felt closer to him.

"Is it possible that I do the task and she stays here, we anyway cracked the clue together" Song Ji Hun requested the staff as he too didn't wish Kiaraa to do something that she doesn't want to.