Support System

"Kiaraa" Ian worriedly called her name and that's when Kiaraa finally lifted her head.

She then checked her surroundings and realized the guy, who was here until now was gone.

For a moment, she got confused and wondered if there indeed was someone here or she was imagining it but the black handkerchief in her hand was proof enough that there indeed was someone with her, who actually gave her some advice.

Kiaraa cleaned her face using the black cloth but again hid her face from Ian by looking down.

"K, why did you run away like this? Do you have any idea how worried I was? It is night time and therefore not safe for you to run around like this" Ian scolded her while Kiaraa kept her head lowered trying to stop her tears, which again started flowing.

Ian didn't mention anything about the proposal or his confession, he only expressed his worry for Kiaraa which made her feel even more guilty for her actions.