Finding Stranger

After Song Ji Hun came back home, he straight away went to his room and was surprised to see Yang Nam-il and Song Ji Hwan waiting for him.

"What happened at the amusement park?" Song Ji Hwan immediately asked as soon as he saw his elder brother.

His voice sounded worried.

Yang Nam-il too curiously waited for Song Ji Hun's reply.

"First you two tell me, what are you doing in my room?" Song Ji Hun wanted to delay the information to tease these two guys as he was currently in a very good mood.

"Isn't it obvious?" Song Ji Hwan frustratedly asked.

"No, it isn't" Song Ji Hun too tried to sound annoyed and intentionally turned his face sad.

Song Ji Hwan was about to argue back when Yang Nam-il signalled him to keep quiet.

"Ji Hun, we were worried about Ian's proposal and your reaction to what happened so we were waiting for you" Yang Nam-il patiently explained himself.