Chapter 1

The calm backdrop of the dark void gave way to a silhouette sitting on a throne. The throne was entirely made of mysterious energy, forever glowing, sparkling, and morphing colors the more you look at it. Two other silhouettes were standing beside the former. The dark void seemed only lit by the light of the throne, its sheer presence symbolizing power.

A loud sound resounded throughout the dark void and almost immediately the figure standing to the left of the throne spoke up in a respectful tone.

"It is time", one could figure out it belonged to a man from the voice. He was shrouded in darkness and just looking at him could get any corrupted, or insane. He seemed to radiate overwhelming terror itself.

"It needs to be done", came a respectful and soothing tone and this one belonged to a woman. Unlike the man, this woman was shrouded in a brilliant light that seems to put all to ease and erase the very concept of evil itself.

The one sitting on the throne grinned as he heard this. Everything about the three figures remained obscure, escaping the sight of any unworthy, unqualified. His emerald gaze bore through the void, piercing and surpassing time and space, to search within countless stars that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Deep emerald eyes scanned through the stars as if searching for something important and new...

A few seconds passed and having found nothing, the figure frowned.

"How troublesome. Having to deal with all these endlessly is overbearing even for me...Haaah, but I assume your plan will work?"

As if its respectful tone had been an illusion, the man shrouded in the darkness answered in a cocky tone, somehow matching his stature "Just who do you think you are talking to! My plan can be nothing short of perfect."

"Kuku Kuku...You have put all of your faith in that plan of yours. Let's see how far it takes us.", a quick retort was made.

"You could at least not show your disappointment in front of me. This old man has worked very hard to perfect it. You two break my heart all the time!!!", the darkness incarnate answered in a joyous tone, completely detached from the current situation.

"That would have been true if you were a man, and if you had a heart.....", the wiser one answered.

The dark one couldn't help but grin grimly at the comment.

The figure in the center grew annoyed and having had enough, "Fine! I will take your word for it. let's begin....."

"Your wish is our command...", replied the Sustainer and the Destroyer.

With this, the darkness in the void enraptured the figures completely.