Time passed like a fly and within a blink of an eye trillions of years had passed. Somewhere in America, stood a boy of Asian-American origin, he had a fair complexion, and was quite handsome for his age; he had a fairly built body that was fit and lithe. It was more like an Olympic athlete combined with martial artist's body than that of a body builder. He had black hair that was straight and was neatly cropped. As his emerald gaze scanned his surroundings, he himself was crouched down. As for why he had crouched down,.....
Just as a warm feeling spread through Hiro's body,his thought's went back to what had happened a few moments ago.
Hiro Narukami was expecting a wonderful day today. Not only was today his 16th birthday, today remarked as an end to his 12 year-long struggle. Finally he had established himself completely, having found a high paying job in a respected Multinational Software company. He had a difficult childhood as he was an orphan. The only thing Hiro knew about himself was his name as the caretaker in the orphanage had mentioned that he was found at the doorstep of the orphanage, crying furiously with nothing but the clothes on his body and an envelope containing a name. The caretaker, a woman named Casandra, had decided to give the name to him. Since the day his orphanage was robbed one night and Casandra was killed before his very eyes trying to save him, he was forced to flee and all his hopes for having a normal life were shattered. Hiro at that very moment had swore he would not be a burden to anybody and decided to support himself only by working hard. As a result, he had missed his high school and had to work part-time to support himself. He had rented a small flat and spent time watching anime/movies or working and sharpening his skills as a programmer. Hiro was confident in his hacking and programming skills which though may not be the best in the whole world were definitely one of the very best among the others. He was following his daily routine and performing a cardio. Though he was a software engineer, he had wanted to build his body. And let's not mention that he had got his inspiration from the various animes and movies he had watched. He had always wanted to fight like those cool characters and enact justice upon evil but he never really had the chance to do so. Not only did his residential area have low crime rates, the people themselves had issued enough measures for their own safety. He was proud he was part of such society, he was a little disappointed. But he definitely didn't want some small crime to happen before him because he wanted to beat some bad guys! Definitely not! He knew even some seemingly small crimes can completely ruin one's life as he was one of the living examples.
But today it looked like he would finally have his opportunity to prove it through his actions.
As he strolled past a shop, he noticed some suspicious people enter the store. They had covered their faces with some masks and carried something that was covered in handkerchiefs.
"Are you kidding! Some guys dressed in classic bad guys outfit just walk up to a store and people just ignore them? Where the hell are all the cops or the security of the store?" He knew a bad situation when he saw one. Steeling his resolve to be the good guy the people in the store need and to protect the people from harm, he decided to enter the store(Who are we kidding here? He just wanted to beat some bad guys). When Hiro successfully entered the shop, he saw several people were tied with ropes. He was sure they were being held hostage. Scanning across the store, he noticed two men carrying handguns and a man with a UZI who was ordering others around. Hiro himself was hiding behind a desk that was close to Cash counter, the supposed leader of the group, the one with the UZI stood there collecting all the cash. Hiro quickly sneaked behind the man and chopped him in the neck. Though unlike anime he didn't get instantly knocked out. Hiro quickly took hold of the man's arms from behind and forced him on the ground. As he struggled against the man to gut the gun, the other members reached them. But before they could shoot, Hiro knocked the man out with a sharp punch to his chin. The man collapsed on the floor and they gun flew out of his hand. Seeing all this happen, a man with a handgun decided to shoot Hiro. Time came to a halt, Hiro felt a sudden chilling sensation plaque his mind. It was as if he was forced to keep a clear head. Hiro watched the man ready his gun, he would have thought the man had already fired the gun had he not see it in the same position as before. He felt that he had seen the future for a moment as the next second the whole world turned grey. His arms and legs moved on its own, at a speed he thought was untouchable even for an Olympic athlete. Before he could register what was going on he had already grabbed the gun and had fired the bad guy in the leg. He watched in horror as the bullet through the man's leg with a pool of blood staining the floor. The man immediately let go of his gun and dropped on the floor while screaming in pain as he held his leg to stop the blood flow. The other gang-members showed a shocked expression. They were just petty thugs until a man in an black suit with a mask covering his face approached them, saying they were better than some lowly thugs. He suggested (screamed and ordered) that they think of themselves more highly and should take more high level jobs. Even though only a few people were listening to him, eventually all the team members agreed and they decided to rob a very well known store in the area. He promised he would try to make things least difficulties and even gave them weapons for defending. Even though the guy's motives were questionable, the gang happily accepted the weapons as more power was always welcome. With this the man left and the gang decided to carry out its plan quickly. However, before the suited guy left, he demanded that the only compensation he needed was that they eliminate everything that stood in their way and left. They didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to approach them because of the weapons. Though personally they were more than a little nervous as it was their 'Big time' and they never really had killed or injured a person seriously. But when they saw their gang-mate being shot and writhe in pain on the ground, they became scared and began shooting aimlessly.
Hiro watched as bullets as bullets flew everywhere and felt very powerless. Even though he had an Uzi in his hand, he could do nothing. He had shot a person and caused them pain. He was about to flee but a sounds of crying and shouts of fear sounded in his ears. Deciding to think about everything after he had saved the hostages, he once again leapt to help and once again leapt to action and a familiar chill enveloped his mind.