
"So how was your trip, fun I guess? asked Vi. He still looked the same he had done since he had last been here. It has been only 100 seconds since Hiro had left after all. Yet he was somehow sure the person asking him had aged nonetheless. Vi looked like he had also spent those 100 years along with him, if that was even possible. But those years certainly were not hard on him. It felt he had only grown in power and had an even denser aura surrounding him. How could he see that you would ask? It isn't a big guess when you have the weight of a mountain weighing down on you.

"Are you hungry Hiro? Need something to eat?", Infi suddenly asked him. They still were standing before the chamber's doors.

[Still the caring big-sister she is] He had missed Infi's care most during his time in that time prison. He didn't want to lose this because he didn't have any idea what he would do without his new family.

"Sure, I would love to eat something. It has been so long since I have eaten your cooking."

"Let's go then! You can't wait to eat my food right?" [And she is back to her usual self. I better give a reply before she starts dragging me]

"Yeah…Can't wait for it…"

"Ow come on!! Don't drag me!!!!"


The everchanging white background of the unknown dimension stood still. The calm that had persisted, was disturbed once again. The very air trembled as it gave way to the behemoths. Both manifestations of power stared at each other. One black, another gold. The ground twisted as they released their Aura. The two beings shun with utter brilliance.

Hiro tookthe usual stance he had developed during his stay. He knew he was nowhere near Vi's power, yet he will prove he was ready, right here, right now.

"Ready?", Infi was their judge for their match. Even she was wreathed in her battle attire. Her's was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. The garment seemed to be made of literal light. It produced a myriad of colors as it constantly shifted and glowed. The 12 pairs of angelic wings only enhanced that image. She sported an innocent look yet promised pain to anybody that dared stand against the Battle Angel. A beautiful crown donned her head. Armoured Gauntlets and boots gave her the guise of an ornate yet gallant knight.

"Ready", Vi was dressed in his battle armor. His was a terrifying sight. Wreathed in full body armor, he struck fear. He sported a helmet shaped like a dragon head. The material present over his forehead had been elongated giving it a horn-like shape. Both sides and some part of his neck were covered by large flaps of armor, shaped like the Wings of a dragon. The helmet had no opening for speaking and was designed to resemble a dragon's open mouth, revealing the red eyes of the armor-bound entity. The upper chest area of the armor was covered in ancient runes that Hiro had difficulty even looking straight to. All blood-red, and violet in coloration. His gauntlets gave way to sharp spikes and his fingers were now shaped like that of a dragon's claws, sharp and deadly, still covered in viscous and red. He wielded a great sword in his hands.

Hiro was not so sure now!!!

"Ready", Hiro gave the final call. He closed his eyes and reinforced himself. He will at least have to put a scratch on Vi to win this.

[Enter a fight to win. There cannot be any halfway point. It's either your survival or the one standing in front of you. So, ask yourself, are you willing to do anything to win a fight? Can you handle the shame and guilt that comes with it? Can you!!!???]

"I can". Hiro propelled himself forward and quickly became a blur. The one with the first strike will have the advantage. Hiro's legs screamed as he pushed them to their limits. He positioned his arms into an x-shape and engaged Vi.

Hiro was moving so fast that he would often leave after-images of his form. Though all this was uncanny when he was wearing his suit. Despite all that speed, the suit still managed to remain pristine, even his tie didn't have a speck of dust.

The world seemed to slow down around him as he began to speed up. His arms that were crossed merely moments ago had become blades of turquoise crystals. The blades were ever sharper and stronger than before. As he came within the striking distance, he quickly flexed his arms, creating an x-shaped structure as the blades grew in size. But his target was nowhere to be seen.

Hiro had to quickly jump forward as he narrowly avoided a big sword. He followed it with a frontal summersault and stood up on his feet again. [I should have expected that. I guess I am still not fast enough.]

Hiro wracked his brain for ideas. What could he do to reach Vi? Should he… Ok, he should…

The arena had a closed structure, a closed structure is equal to opportunities. He started running along the walls, the walls groaned under the strain placed on them but did not let up.

Vi did try to dodge, but the frequency of the attacks left little space for any maneuver. Hiro ran with such speed that even he was having a little difficulty seeing him[Well, not really]

The weapons, one metallic, another organic struggled for dominance. But nobody can overpower him. Vi pushed his sword forward with such force, and Hiro was knocked off his feet for a moment. Yet Hiro landed perfectly on his feet.

The ground under his feet had cracked upon impact. He held his blades firm and looked into Vi's eyes. They were serious, yet not so much.

[With the force I had provided to the push, I could have easily lifted a full-grown elephant.] [How....Ah, I see.]

Hiro stood steady and within moments something covered both his arms. The metal, as Vi discerned, seemed to morph and break apart into smaller pieces simultaneously. The pieces coiling and spreading like sand... The metals sprung out of his left hand and became a circular structure.

Among the mass of the ever-morphing pellets of red and gold gave way to something new. Within his left hand, a circular shield formed itself. The shield sported a star centered on a red-silver ring. In his right hand, Hiro held a black blade, it's color deeper than the night sky, sparkling like a star.

Hiro bent his legs forward and huge jets of pure blue fire erupted from his legs.

As Hiro approached Vi, he was looking more like a meteorite than a man. He rammed his shield against Vi's sword.


The jets of fire nearly doubled in size, gaining a sliver of blood-red among the swell of blue.

VI's sword didn't break but his weapon was not in great condition. All the force from Hiro's attack was bending the weapon to almost an impossible degree. The sides were already chipped and now sported numerous spider-web cracks.

Several exchanges followed, yet each time Vi would force Hiro to go on the defensive, Hiro's sword slashes would grow more momentum. Each time he tried something different, a slash to his face would be his answer.

Not that he would let it happen. That was the whole point of this 'Exercise', all Hiro had to do was to touch him and he would win.

Two thrusts from his shield and he could see little success. [Come on!!! Break Already!!!]

A single wrong move and Vi would get stabbed in the gut.

[Time to get serious]

Hiro was feeling quite drained. His body was under intense strain. He will have to end this quickly if he wanted to win.

Hiro stretched his fire to his limit, now he was emitting more fire than even a Fire Dragon King.

The sword was glowing red from the intense heat. His shield was on the verge of melting away.


Hiro had tried different modes before, but not altogether. He gripped his weapons tightly, they seemed to reassure him. He closed his eyes and searched within. He will have to do something different.

The air in the room cracked from the intense pressure. The molecules of the air were breaking away. Fire and lightning blended away, becoming something new. Hiro had combined his modes in search of his answer, creating a new one altogether.

Hiro zapped his way into Vi's defenses. Their swords connected again. But this time there was no other way. Blue-red fire vaporized even that great sword.

Hiro quickly gathered an intense ball of plasma in his hands. [Rasengan for a goo000!!]

The ball of destruction connected with something solid and the whole arena was covered in smoke. [Stay down for good]

All the smoke was sucked away. His eyes were met with a peculiar sight. All that energy he had pulled out was blocked by the guard of the sword. [Aww, come on!!!]

Hiro tried to force his way out. Fire erupted for a second.

Vi was wreathed in blackness again. However this time he was in Samurai attire. Completed with a blue kimono. All the heat vanished. Hiro was forced to his knees. His sword still holding him strong.

All his magic and strength were being zapped away.

"Ugh, this thing didn't come with a user manual.", said Hiro as he tried to stand.

"This is enough. You have tried really hard and earned my respect. You don't need to strain yourself", said Vi as gazed at Hiro.

"How can that happen when I have not given up? I say this is far from over." Was Vi's only answer.

"I didn't take this mission to fail all the people who have placed their trust in me. If I can't do this simple job, I can't do anything."

Hiro stood up against the pressure. His knees buckled and more blood spilled from his mouth.

Golden light showered him and green light spread on his chest. Hiro placed his right hand on his chest, fingers outstretched, and rotated them like he was rotating a disk.

The blood dripping from his mouth stood still in the air before it was reverted back to its origin. All his injuries shared this motion.

Time had been reversed.

Hiro needed even more. He will melt Vi's whole armour if he has to do that.

He called forth 7 powers. The red fire turned white. Reaching levels beyond even the stars. Hiro started speeding up even more. The time around him bent to his will, flowing even faster. His body split multiple times. He felt as light as a feather, same as the others.

Vi watched as Hiro did something ridiculous again. He watched in amusement, he felt the fire burning again.

His whole body grew constricted, his own armour was crushing him. He felt himself grow several thousand times heavier.

Then came the ear-piercing screams. His body screamed, his arms thrashed.

He however wasn't feeling anything. It was just him and his successor. Everything happening was unimportant and unnecessary.

Bright light reminded him he could still see. He quickly reached out, his legs moving forward despite his armour biting into his skin.

A huge blast resounded around him and his vision became blurry again. He was about to look around but….

"Come on we can finish this!" and it all started again.

He was bashed on the head. Managing to bring him to his knees. [Nice! Now I can really go all out.] He stood up again, the veins of his legs bursting out from the pressure.

"I can do this all day Hiro. Show me something better."

Vi readied himself.

Two red and yellowish appendages collided with his forearms. Another grabbed his neck from the back. Two swords slashed at his shoulders and another tried emptying his gut. The ground creaked and his armour was contorted again.

He reached out to his back and flung his adversary in the air, finishing it by headbutting the one in front of him. He pushed and pushed until he was out of their grasp.


Instant cold grasped him. His heart/core was freezing on the inside. His legs became numb and useless, somehow managing to remain standing.

His body was turning brittle as time passes.[That brat must have accelerated the time around me. My body is rapidly disintegrating and I can't even regenerate properly.] He felt nauseous yet sleepy. His head buzzed as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

Bright green radiation given form approached him. Even from this far he could feel it burning him to the core. He collided with it, his now rather muscular hands keeping it at bay. (They rather showed too much muscle along with some bone. The skin must have vapourised.)

"HAAAA", he kicked the entire blob to the other side. His helmet had literally blown up and he was sure the right side of his face wasn't coming back anytime soon.

The green blob exploded before it could even reach him, taking out some of those noisy bastards. He was sure he had blown off the entire half of anybody that was holding it. He just hoped it wasn't really Hiro himself. That would be a drag….

The damage was transmitted like a virus, everything suffering under the intense nuclear radiation. It was his time to act.

Everything except his own damage was reversed. He even felt smug when a "What!!!" resounded around him. He should…

For Hiro, the fight seemed to last mere moments. He didn't want to hurt Vi any further than he already had but deep down he also knew it was necessary. Vi had clearly stated he wanted to see his best and he definitely didn't want to disappoint Vi. He knew his moves were party tricks in front of real warriors, yet he pushed forward. He knew there was nothing honorable about the way he fought, yet he also knew he was no knight. This was the style he had invented and he will see to its end. If the world demanded, he shall deliver. Because he knew and has always been told, it is never evil to follow someone's heart. Anything you do, do it with a clear mind and put your heart to it. You shall see even the greatest sins and distress turn into righteous justice and blessing. So he shall do the same, follow his own heart.

Yeah, definitely when he got rid of this damn seizure….It fucking hurts…..

Everything was reversed back in an instant. [Oh, come on!! Now it was his time to complain.]

Something hit his back and everything went black again. Something approached him.[Hmm, fast… but still slow] As something collided with his torso, he brought his armoured hands down upon its back, squashing it down in an instant.

Punches railed from other sides. A fist gutted him, another bashed his skull in, another caved in on his chest. [Ok, that hurt]. He quickly caught up using his speed and crushed those fists. Another collided with him, this time his hands were sliced up like swiss cheese.

"A jagged drill made of Adamantium…Really?", he asked incredulously. But he would admit, it was quite original.

"What, surprised?", came his only answer.

Metal and crystal seized his legs. His limbs were failing him. He stood in front of the black light that radiated in front of him. It was soothing yet dangerous.

His eyes widened when he realized what it was. This fool had somehow managed to create a black hole, and the madness didn't even stop at that. He had made it into the edge of his sword. The acceleration disk of the black hole was bad enough. Now it was one of the most destructive objects. How that sword was holding the entire disk was anybody's guess.

He stopped the sword strike aimed for his head. Besides fighting that crazy gravitational pull, he was narrowly avoiding getting his head separated.


Hiro felt everything vanish. He found himself inside some unknown place again. [These things are happening too often!!!]

"You have done everything you could, but you can't win now. All the skills, moves you have learned have been taught to you by somebody else. Even Ben and Natsu have only lent you their power. It's theirs at the end. Not yours. ", heard Hiro as the sounds overlapped him.

"This is my ace in the hole. Decline erases everything that doesn't originate from the target it was used upon. So tell me, human, what do you have to offer?"

Hiro searched for a way out as he was ensnared in golden chains. They refused him freedom and a chance to prove himself. But he knew he could get out without an answer. Truly, what does he have to contribute? He doesn't have special powers, nor is he somebody important. Is he nothing without everything that has been handed out to him?

Is he that useless?

"I have fought Zero and only it has been able to answer this question to this very day…So tell me, are you Ben, Natsu, or anybody else that you have learned from? Are you as great as them or have you accomplished the same feats? Answer me!!!"

He stopped thinking. There can only be one answer to this…Like everybody played their own roles, he was himself.

"None at all!! I am none of those. I can never be even if I tried. Thus I am my own person!!! I am my own master and I will control my own fate. You may have taken everything I learned but there is one thing you can't take away from me."

"You can't take away my fighting spirit. You can't take away the fire in my soul. And you can't take away my desire to protect the people I have had the opportunity of knowing and my desire to see them happy!!!", he shouted out with all his heart.


"Well said"


Before he could say "Eh?", he had been back to his clash with Vi. The sword he had in his hand had already pierced Vi's chest, even though he had clearly aimed for the head.

Just as he was about to let go and help Vi, Infi appeared in front of them. He was relieved to see Infi but felt dread when he saw vi wasn't moving. He began cursing himself, before vowing to accept any punishment if the worse happened.

Infi inspected Vi for a moment before she turned to him. He couldn't quite read her expression. He was about to say something before she turned towards Vi again.

Hiro could only watch as the supposedly dead man winced when Vi pulled him by his left ear.

"OI…Stop acting you piece of shit….You are scaring Hiro-kun", replied a clearly angry Infi who was barely hiding.

"Aww, and here I thought you cared about me more.!!! You hurt my little heart", feined Vi who clearly didn't see Infi's right eye twitch in anger.

"Shit! Worst timing of the century!!!", a familiar hero said behind him.

"Yupp, he's dead….", replied the neighborhood Dragon-slayer.

Infi at that point was shaking with anger. She quickly smashed Vi's head on the ground managing to bury his head several centimeters into the hard floor. A sled hammer formed in her hand as she threw it up in the air. Vi struggled to get out as he clearly realized he had crossed his limit.

The hammer turned mid-air, falling headfirst towards the ground, right towards Vi's head. It was catching speed if the sonic boom several moments earlier was an indication.

Just before the hammerhead collided with Vi's head and squashed it, it was caught by Infi, who proceeded to lay it directly onto Vi's forehead. Vi looked like he pissed his pants when he saw the look Infi was giving him. Her eyes were narrowed and her teeth were flaring. Her visage could only be described as that of a demon-Yakuza(Gang Leader of Japanese gangs. My knowledge of Japan is still not solid though, so the readers should search for anything you don't understand)

"I dare you… try speaking any kind of bullshit again and I will have your head….You understand?"

"Crystal clear ma'am"

"…..", tensions rose for Vi. He looked about, to Hiro and company, for help, but unfortunately, Hiro had only one look on his face, the one that clearly said, "I don't want any piece of this shit. It's your fault. I am gonna pretend I didn't see you" altogether.

"Oh no…."
