Hiro looked around with sharp eyes, completely expecting Vi to suddenly hop out screaming, "Haha! You fell for it" and after that, ready to punch him in the face, hard.... But nothing happened, no jokes, no giggles, nothing....as if this was supposed to be even real.
It was, wasn't it?
Hiro looked incredulously at the tiny piece of...well 'things' that was currently sitting on his palm, barely even covering it. The 'tinker', for the lack of a better word, didn't have any real weight to itself, but what it did was makeup in sheer power. It was encased in a gold shell, protecting a rainbow-colored gem. Hiro had been doubtful because he didn't want to be anywhere near a bomb and this 'thing' looked like it would explode should he drop it...What a drag...
"It's exactly what it does. Think of it like a teleporter, just used to jump dimensions.", Vi just wanted this to be over quickly, he prayed....to whoever was listening, to stop the dam of water beside him from bursting over any minute.
"Think nothing of it...You just have to think of the dimension you want to go to while holding this in hand. But... be sure to keep it safe from harm... maybe it would go 'boom' otherwise..."
Hiro's eyes widened as soon as he heard 'boom'. [You sly bastard...]
"NOW GO ON!!!", Hiro started pushing Hiro to the edge of the realm...
"OKAY...Okay, I am going!", regardless Hiro took his time. He relaxed his muscles and he inhaled a deep breath... all the training had left him sore, even if they were fighting under the influence of a power disrupter, reducing their power to only 25% of the original(Literally forgot he had just used a black hole to slam someone).
Regardless, he had gained something important...
[God that power disruptor was killing me, limiting powers is one thing but absorbing? that's just painful. I felt like my blood was getting zapped every second. And that bastard thing consumed raw power, not magic but power!!! Who the fuck makes this stuff?]
Hiro calmed his nerves and looked at the present situation. Currently facing a dilemma, he couldn't decide which world he wanted, he had been excited about the prospect but didn't put much thought into it until now.
Slice of life, Romance, Harem, Isekai, or Action, are among the many to choose from. But something caught his eye. A sub genre, 'Tragic Comedy' glowed like it wanted his attention. He couldn't pry his eyes off it. Having made his decision that he was gonna go with his gut, he selected it. A shower of multicolored titles was the consequence.
Fuck it, I am not gonna choose.
Let It slip.
He pressed the giant, hard to miss, wheel of the fortune-ish thingy, now sitting on the top most of the gem.
.....-->Nisekoi-->Heaven's property-->SchoolDays....-->Tokyo Ghoul....-->Konosuba
[Well... putting Nisekoi in a tragic comedy? That's just messed up and let's.... just not talk about the others.... That scared me for a moment, yeah seriously!]
Hiro stood at the edge of the realm, a single line defining death and life, and adjusted his neck tie...ok, he needed to stop doing that.
Hiro looked back at them one last time, knowing it would not be soon before he would meet them again.
A red non-descriptive bag appeared beside him. He looked questioningly towards....Infi, not Vi this time, She had a serene smile and followed by her silent attitude.
"Hiro-Kun", called out Infi, " keep the bag safe with you! It should keep you safe. And should any pervert disturb you, tie their hands and strap their heads with the VR set in the bag. It contains very dark, cursed specimens of the anime and movie community. Very cursed. Like Boku no P..... "
"Gah! I don't want to hear it! Why didn't my ears just burn away!!!???", Hiro screamed as he covered his ears with both hands. Hiro quickly put the bag away in his dimension, silently promising to open it in only serious situations. But inwardly he didn't know whether he should pity or laugh at his future victims.
Anyway, he didn't forget his gift to them. It will remind them of him after all. Cute cat videos, check, A Silent Voice, Check, Romance movies, check, WWE and action movies, check.
Hiro waved a final goodbye with all his might, sensing they were standing quite far from him. He wouldn't want to hug them now, not when he was about to cry himself.
Stay strong Hiro!!!
Hiro's body was quickly covered by his Iron man armor. Latest in its line, it shined bright as a day. Hiro closed his eyes and communicated with Aether mentally.
"Welcome back Sir"
"It's good to be back"
Hiro found himself blind for a moment. All the suddenness of the jump with bright lights had surprised him again. But he quickly looked around to assess his situation. He found himself traveling inside a beam, just like...like Bifrost from Thor's universe. He looked back, only to see his previous home fading away in the vicinity.
He was already missing it. But it was too late for regrets. Time to move forward.
[Let's see what konosuba has to offer.] He aligned his hands close to his legs, managing a streamlined shape, often used by HALO jumpers and skydivers. Funny, how all the energy outside him was not frying him inside out right now. He imagined it would, but when has anything made sense since he died. He still felt surreal about all this, how he felt like a normal boy moments ago, yet could not say he was the same now.
He still couldn't get over the fact that he would certainly have to kill something in his quest. He didn't like it but he could guess there was no other way around it. Peace had its uses and people preached it a lot, but that is only applicable in some situations. In the real world, a person would only go so far by following the path of peace. You couldn't preach peace to somebody hell-bent on killing somebody, let alone somebody close to you. Even the most peaceful person's first instinct will be to make the attacker disappear, not disarm, no the first would be to kill.
Peace had her uses and Violence had his. And he would be damned before he let somebody die because he was a coward.
Hiro's eyes widened and searched for the owner of the voice with caution. One mistake and he could be dead this ti...
But it could never neutralize the damage altogether.
Hiro's mind failed to register exactly what had happened to its body. His armor had been penetrated, cut like swiss cheese. The seemingly even energy beam encasing his body had been torn asunder and something had smashed into his chest. All his ribs had instantly turned into dust as its limbs hung like dead weights. Had it not been for his armor, he wouldn't even be able to think through this. The attack had been certain, compelling, precise, and deadly, intent on ending him. Hiro's body however refused to stay still and did what anything would do for its survival, it started working in overdrive.
Hiro registered everything only after his hand had already begun to move. As if possessed, his hands moved to his chest. A green glow surrounded it and bands of an ancient language encased it.
Within moments everything, damage and all reversed. Time itself gave way to his will. Bending under his power and mending his body. The unbelievable pain he had felt moments ago seemed like a fleeting thought, like an illusion that escaped his thoughts.
Hiro's mind however was still going through the motions of complexities. Even though he could breathe, he was still surrounded by the dense shroud of darkness. He had registered the blow but not the shape/size of the assailant. However, something disturbed him even more. Just before the attack had even hit him, Hiro's body had moved, ever so slightly, all on its own, saving him from certain death.
He had almost failed to catch a fist flying towards his face while he thought about this. Again Hiro's body registered it and moved simultaneously. Sending power to its legs, Hiro's body quickly exploded forward as it caught the appendage between its own. But the results had been a little different. The clear divide of strength showed itself as his fists were blasted off, bone, muscle, and skin, vaporizing as it went.
The entire offending limb seemed to come off as if it had been a separate piece all along. Hiro quickly righted himself, landing straight on the...space as if it had been solid. He immediately kicked straight into the direction where the fist had come, intending to get a drop on his foe.
Nothing ever managed to make contact with his legs.
He allowed himself to let go of the breath he didn't know he had been holding. He still didn't know who or what had attacked him, the assailant managing to vanish into the dark corners of cold space.
Yet he knew whatever he had faced had indeed been very powerful. Not only had it dented his suit, but it had also torn him away straight through the teleporter beam and left him stranded in an unknown space... no pun intended. And he couldn't get over the fact he was being watched. The lingering gaze made his hair stand on the back of his neck.
Yet his body refused to give up. Automatically it moved to the defensive as if it had its own indomitable will, going against odds to remain unbound.
Like darkness incarnate, a hand slipped in front of his face, grabbing it and shoving it hard downwards. He could feel something snap as his vision became blurry, as his body felt like it had been wrecked open, out from his grasp. He tried screaming his lungs but choked on his blood. His eyes burned as if somebody had poured boiling metal and glass pieces into them. His dry throat tasted only like iron mixed with sand. His face, if he could even feel it anymore, felt like it was pierced by several needles at the same time.
But he could still feel that hold on him, the fingers trying to crush his brain into mush. It hadn't let go even for a moment during this whole ordeal.
His body however turned again, refusing death itself, and shook as if on steroids. The damage reversed itself again, even the blood on the hand refusing to be left behind. Making Hiro certain this was doomed to happen again.
[Not if I can help it.]
He hadn't felt the pain the first time, but now it nearly maddened him. The time reversal technique was a surefire but definitely a bit slow. Imagine feeling your chest being pierced slowly while it had happened in an instant.[I need to improve that damned technique.]
White, Blue, and black dominated everything for a moment, gushing like it wanted to burn even hell itself. The swirls and waves that promised endless agony. It burned its target to ash before the hand even had any time to register what had happened to it.
Both his arms became stark white, with red lines stretching between them. The arm also seemed to gain magma attribute, with winy pockets of magma emerging from the surface. The already developed muscles on them got condensed and reinforced. The muscle density of his arms increased, providing more muscles per strand, thereby greatly enhancing the power output.
Hiro quickly grabbed the sizzling remains with his left and jabbed his right forward. The action was met with results. He finally managed a hit. His ragged adrenalin-induced breathe intensified, and his heart beat in fury as he thrived in excitement.
This time he grabbed the entity's face and pressed on as if it was ironic. Hiro's eyes grew cold and he put more pressure on the hold, feeling satisfied as something cracked and revealed viscous liquid.
..... ..... .... "Akh!!!"
"Well, find out for yourself!!!"
Hiro shoved the white-hot sphere straight into the place where the entity's mouth was supposed to be...And sealed the deal by covering its mouth.
It exploded not seconds later.
Hiro retracted his hand, missing its wrist and everything above it.
[Huh... cosmic forcefield from Waybig was not powerful enough to contain the blast. Guess the blast was more powerful than I anticipated.]
Hiro still offered a silent prayer to whatever he had just killed. Even if it was not human, it had existed and thus was worthy of pity and sympathy.
"Enough", roared a dead voice behind him. Hiro would have been scared if he hadn't been scared out of life. Yet the voice instilled fear all by itself. Its tone invoked divine authority and threatened to destroy any who had the audacity to stand against it.
"Uhhh....Sorry...My Bad...."