The Spy

The rumours that circulated in the royal court and in the university world was a young man who had managed to develop skills to integrate a select group, a report on the young man had arrived in the Monarch's hand.

"Young man of good nature, ethical, son of Juana Montes, whose was the first wife of Oscar Gray, whose who is in debt with the crown, the young Manfredo Montes Neutro, stood out in the school of instruction in physical and intellectual activities, the court wishes to reward him for completing the two training courses of mathematics and cavalry, the service of spy of the Crown".

The monarch read carefully what was written, Oscar Gray, this would be his first mission, he felt a trust an empathy not yet explained for this boy.

Manfredo dedicated himself arduously in concluding the two tasks that life put him to reward, he would be victorious, he put God in front, everything was duly well, the years of the formation passed, when he finished the course, his mother Mrs. Juana Montes remembers the gesture he made to her. Juana Montes remembers the chivalrous gesture of his father, that girl never left his mind, he always heard of his father that he asked God for his mother in marriage, he did the same, he asked the Supreme Lord for the hand of that girl that he had seen few times in the city in marriage, the surprise was great, when the monarch appeared in pomp, beside his daughter, the girl that Manfredo had always been in love, she was of the Jhusz family, of the Royal family, daughter of Arthur Jhusz.

The party was going very well, when a high person in charge of the King informs Ernest Neutral, that his son would begin another training, in the service of the King and would disappear, Manfredo Montes only observed that beautiful woman, of clear skin in pink tones, from far away, without being attacked by anybody, he never liked to drink, he took a dose of wine, after another, he created courage, when he left in direction to speak with Miss Anne Jhusz, he felt a man grabbing him by the neck, another by the legs, they were fighting each other, at that time the guests of the party did not even notice what was happening, he fought with the man who was holding the book by the neck, when another appeared with a toxic product in his nostril, he knew that if he inhaled for a long time like that he would faint, but he felt his energies being trained, a drop fell into a lake.

- Lopes, Lopes can you hear me?

He came back again, he was already kneeling.

- Lopes, Agent Lopes, don't die.

Lord Manfredo could not resist, he had counted seven men at once, while intoxicated, everything went dark, he fainted.

The Monarch listened to the impressed report, seven men with toxic products to contain, he was amazed, his daughter who had seen everything realised what her father's interest was in this matter, in his emotion, he who had always been cold in political affairs.

When they woke up they started beating furiously, a cattle marker C was hot as they stuck it on the left side below the armpits, the C was from the crown, Crown Spy, he continued with the procedure, a man shouting loudly in his ear.

- Where is Oscar Gray's gold?

He felt offended to hear that name, he knew it was an act of torture, he would die but he wouldn't say anything, he didn't think his life would be this short.

Another time Anne Jhusz saw her father interested in a matter, a man three days without food being tortured, he said nothing, he hadn't even opened the little one, that was the conclusion of Arthur the monarch.

- Let him go.

- Ah, Give him clothing, shelter, food, when he rests bring my presence.

Those in charge did so, Manfredo had noticed from the place that it was the Royal Guard that integrated, or so they thought, fed, gave shelter, slept exhausted.

Arthur Jhusz, was too worried, he walked from one side to the other, in his mind it occurred, - Damned Gray, he stole the royal gold. He was a nervous wreck, he would hire that boy to investigate, the hereditary burden alone was cause for suspicion.

Manfredo Montes woke up, with his thoughts in places he remembered that he was in his training, men came to his confrontation he had been tortured, then they brought him to the Royal Guard, in a dormitory, when he finished this thought, the Young Albert Joss comes towards him, get dressed with these clothes, let's go to the Monarch. Manfredo observed the clothes, they were clothes of a special battalion of the King, the highest position of trust of the Crown, the Royal Guard.

They took them to the Monarch, the same bowed to him, not that it says much respect, but he just didn't want to cause conflict.

- Did the name Oscar Gray, by any chance, generate distrust?

He analysed that thought, that again, have I died and are they repeating that name, but now it was different, it was the Monarch asking.

- In some chances, Yes, may I know the reason for the question? Answered by asking the young Montes.

- Gold, he stole the court's gold, he is in a deal with Spain, years ago, we gave all our gold believing in a deposit.

Young Manfred heard this, and without holding back he let out a good laugh.

- You laugh, fool? inquired the monarch again.

Anne Jhusz, who was watching from afar, decided to intervene.

- Father with kindness, may I?

- Of course my sweet?

- You are the new spy of the court, and your mission is to discover where the gold stopped?

Manfred, who was watching everything, and the order of that woman, agreed out of masculine instinct and because he was not comfortable, accepted out of love for the crown, and for God who was gradually bringing the promised woman.