The mission, part I

The young Manfred, now belonging to the Royal Guard, returns to his parents' home, he spoke little he knew of his whereabouts, he only said he was working for the Monarch, with the money he would receive from the service he could live alone, longing for independence, but he would prefer to choose an alternative, Since childhood, he had discovered a letter, he believed it to be the treasure map, he kept it for years, until today at last it was revealed, it was the whereabouts of Oscar Gray, it mentioned two counties, and a valley in the middle of both of them.

Slyly, without understanding much, he had decided to mount in his horse and to adventure in that mission, it was with his horse windy until there, a horse all white, strong, he arrived at the first county, he had not decided to be social, he directed to the second one, in the middle of her it was separated by a river, he observed from afar a light high up in the night, and although he was delirious, a voice was heard, it was a mining voice, he went to the second county, there were celebrations, orgies, they were exalting gods of clay, when he decided to turn back so as not to be noticed, two horsemen passed in front of him on the way.

- Who is the Lord?

Both raised their swords, Manfredo did not opt for a violent body attack, it had never been his strong suit, he took off to return, he passed in the middle of the two, with the horses disappearing along with the wind, they tried to follow him, when he enters in the direction of the mine, he is heard from afar.

- He is going to the mines, call the guards.

Last thing that he captured with the sense of hearing, he decided to stop at the entrance, he crossed the forest diagonally, slowly, until the destiny of the first county until back home, it would be days of waiting, tiredness, he would have to eat, rest, risky would be if he stayed at the normal lodgings, a feeling came to his mind.

- God, what am I going to do?

A voice inside him said

- Go on.

He continued with the horse, past the first shire, he heard.

- Rest.

He entered the forest, he saw fruit, he fed with the animal, he thought of taking the sword, when he made a promise, to God.

- God if blood is on my sword, condemn me.

He finished chewing, sleep came to him, when he heard the sound of the river, transmitting a harmony to him, he observed the inclination, followed his instincts, drank water, put on his uniform, he was going to put it away, when he took the canteen, he observed a glint even in the darkness, he took the stone, it was gold, he watched the regions carefully, the declines of the river, he would not sleep until he arrived, and so it happened, he did not even sleep properly, he went to meet the king.

He handed over the stone, saying.

- Is that the gold?

The astonished king looked at the nugget and said.

- Interesting, Gray arrived in a similar way to you.

This comment disconsolate Manfredo Montes.

The King finished the last analyses.

- Come on, tell us where the deposit is?

He gave the name of the two counties, explained that the gold is all along the valley and that there are several rivers and tributaries, that all of them can possibly have gold, he handed the map together, they collected the documents for analysis, Manfredo rested, he thought of writing to the young woman he was in love with, but now he would have to act, he brought with him the letters he wrote to his priceless passion, the Noble Anne Jhusz, she knew he had arrived, she arranged with a servant girl to go to his room, Both of them did it, they entered the dormitory high dawn without being noticed, and in the room of Manfredo Montes, she looked closely that man sleeping, on top of the table there were some documents, she looked one by one, they were love letters, beautiful love letters, until one said the noble Miss Jhusz, she lost the air, she gave a way to leave the room without being noticed, the young Manfredo opens the eyes and sees a silhouette of woman leaving the room, the sleep was heavier, he slept again.

She walked distressed, to her room, she only slept when daybreak came.