
Chapter 13: The Return Of Coldfront

"It's been at least two years now, and everything is functioning well at each quadrant in Formaxion, but with the absence of Coldfront, Zodiac's compound isn't functioning quite well.

It shows Nova an chill in the lounge area. Chill has been attempting to get in touch with Coldfront ever since he left but to no avail. Billy blue eyes invariably leave out to find him but come back empty-handed. "Anything brother?" Spain asked. "No, it's been over two years, and not a word from him, not even a trace," Zodiac replied.

It then shows Chill and Nova walking. "I suppose we should leave to go find him once more." Chill suggested as Nova agreed. "I already lost one friend, I can't lose another, let's go," Nova replied as they took off.

In an undisclosed location, it showed Frost and Smoak," "So that's his plan huh?" Smoak asked. "Yes, we need to take the ball of tranquility from the guardian ninja compound." frost added, as they continued walking then coming to a stop. "If we get this, we don't need the likes of virus anymore, we will become immortal." frost added.

Back at the headquarters, Nova and Chill were on their way to look for Coldfront who was standing by the entrance. "Coldfront!" Nova and Chill called out in unison, as Coldfront just stared not saying anything, he simply walked past them, as Chill, and Nova became a bit sad."

"Minutes later, Coldfront was standing at His friend Rayden's grave, as Zodiac made his way by Coldfront who just stood there. "Glad to see you back Coldfront," he said to no reply. "Listen, a lot has changed since you departed, I appointed Lee chan as captain of the squad. You're to do what he says when on a mission, and billy blue eyes are staying in your room now, I'm sorry and I'm also glad to have you back home." Zodiac said as Coldfront turned and walked away.

"So it is him," Max said to Lee chan. "Hmph." lee stated, as they looked out of the window.

Later on, it showed Rayden panting heavily, "You need to control your anger Rayden." "the elder man said, as Rayden looked ahead of him still panting. "It's just that, I want to see my friends, especially Coldfront and Nova," he added, as the elder walked up to him. "Let me show you the truth young one," he called out, as he manipulated the mind of Rayden. It shows Coldfront in a room with Nova sitting on a bed, "I'm happy he's dead, he was a waste anyway, now we can focus on us Nova just like we planned." Coldfront said as he kissed Nova. The scene then faded, as it shows an angry look on Rayden's face. "As you can see, no one cares for you in that organization young one, let me unleash the ability you have inside of you." "the old man said. "How…..can they deceive me like that." Rayden said while adding, "I will never forgive them." as he closed his eyes.

Later on at the rooftop, across from the bank was Lee Chan and Coldfront both distancing themselves away from one another. "Okay I see that the Cobra clan are the culprits, and they have hostages, so Coldfront this is what we n..." and before lee could finish, he turned around to see no Coldfront. "Dammit!" Lee exclaimed.

In the bank, it shows the cobra clan, as you can hear the police in the background. "Come out with your hands, this is your final warning." "He must not know who we're." the leader of the group said, as one of the ninjas came out with a bag of money and jewelry. "yeah, we're the cobra clan and no one can stop us." he stated, as Coldfront came from the glass ceiling." "Except me!" he said with anger, as he stood there looking at the cobra clan. The leader then threw the hostage to the floor. "A kid! hahaha, you must be living in little Fantasy ninja world if you think we will surrender, let alone be intimidated by some snot-nosed brat, go back to where you came from kid, or you're gonna get hurt." the third ninja said, as Coldfront stood there. "You're in for a rude awakening kid!" The leader yelled, as the ninjas ran towards Coldfront who then immediately teleported behind one of the ninjas an performed a backbreaker an literally broke the back of the ninja, two more ninjas ran at Coldfront. Coldfront then grabbed the arm of the first one and jerked him into his way and formed ice around his fist and punching the ninja breaking his jaw on impact. The other ninja charged at Coldfront from behind but Coldfront did a backflip over him, as the ninja turned towards Coldfront's clone that swung at the ninja, but the ninja ducked and turned around to a straight jab to the face from Coldfront knocking him out." "He then turned his attention towards the leader, as the hostages were exiting the bank. "I underestimated you kid." the leader said, as it Then goes to lee chan. "What the hell is his problem! I'm gonna have to put a stop to this." he declared, as lee entered the building to see Coldfront on top of the ninja repeatedly punching him in the face. "Enough Coldfront!" Lee shouted as Coldfront continued. "I said enough and that's an order!" He shouted out once more as Coldfront stood up from the battered cobra clan leader. "What the hell is your problem, you're not saying a word to anyone, you don't follow orders, and you ignore master Zodiac." lee explained, as Coldfront stood there looking at him. "You still have nothing to say for your recent actions?" Lee asked as he added, "I think I know what it is that got you like this, two years ago during the simulation where you hid like a coward, an the fact that I'm your captain now, because you ran away an not to add..." "you couldn't even protect your best friend Rayden from dying so you coward out. all that spunk you had in the tournament and now you're a nobody, you have nothing." lee rudely said when Coldfront punched him in the face knocking him to the floor. "Don't you ever…..talk about Rayden like that...Don't disrespect me!" Coldfront yelled as he punched lee once more.

Lee then got up to his feet, "can't handle the truth can you, ever since you got back, I grew angrier and angrier at you for showing your true colors, you're a coward and there is no turning back from that. A man who couldn't save his friend from dying." lee added. "I am going to obliterate you!" Coldfront said as lee went into his fighting stance. "Yeah I want to see you try." lee added, as Coldfront stood there as the chapter ends between the two having a staredown."