

"Coldfront and Lee both charged at one another and went blow for blow in hand-to-hand combat. Both punched one another in the jaw sending them both to the ground, as they kipped up at the same time then charged at one another again. Coldfront Then punched lee chan in the stomach, Then lee uppercut Coldfront, followed by a kick to the face.

Coldfront then stood to his feet and threw ice balls at lee chan who then began dodging the On coming assault. As one came lee's way he leaped behind the counter in the bank as well as Coldfront doing the same, as lee started throwing shurikens. "Lee!" Coldfront yelled, "Coldfront!" Lee shouted. "This is to the death, I will kill you." Coldfront declared as they both stood up across from each other." "I see, only one of us is walking out here alive, and I don't plan on dying, but I can make arrangements for you Coldfront." lee said, as he and Coldfront jumped from over the counters.

"Time to get serious then." lee said, as he went in full-out rage mode and Coldfront started to turn into his shadow wolf. Both looking at one another with hatred and the intentions of killing. "The Legendary Shadow wolf is with that boy, this is gotten even too dangerous for me, I can't believe with my own two eyes that the wolf lives in that kid. How can he still be alive with that much power? Oh well, let them kill each other for all I care." The weakened cobra clan ninja said, as he and his men teleported out of the bank." "Coldfront then dashed at lee with speed and knocking him into the bank vault. Lee then dashed back with the even amount of speed at Coldfront and started punching him with tremendous power, as he punched Coldfront sending him to the floor, as Coldfront let out a huge roar.

Coldfront then flash stepped and punched lee with an immense amount of power sending him through the wall into another room, as the area was smokey. Lee was now blind with rage, as he charged at Coldfront an Coldfront let out a huge roar and charged at him, and before they could come into contact with the collision, Zodiac appeared between them Punching Lee in the stomach sending him flying one way, and kicking Coldfront sending him the other way. Both landing into a wall and sending them back to normal state. "Enough!" Zodiac yelled." "Later on in the office of zodiac was Lee and Coldfront, "I've been observing you two throughout your mission today, only to see if you two can let cooler heads prevail, but instead, you two were about to kill one another! That's not what this organization is about!" Zodiac yelled as he slammed his fist through his table breaking it. Meanwhile, outside of the door were Nova, Chill, Amy, and Billy Chan, listening to the conversation.

back at the office,

"Not only did you make me look bad, but you've also made your teammates look bad as well. Lee, ever since Coldfront got back, you've been growing hostile towards him, and Coldfront, ever since the simulation, you've changed, I understand you were afraid, but you're taking it a bit overboard, you don't say a word to anyone and you don't follow orders."

"You two are banned from missions for a while, you can't leave these headquarters until further notice, and lee, you are not captain anymore, I need your callers now." zodiac added, as they handed it to him. "You will spend your days cleaning this place from top to bottom, room to room, and you are not able to talk to the others here as well." zodiac added. "I am disappointed in you two. "lee, I expect you to step up, and Coldfront, I don't want you to carry the simulation events to your gra…." Before he could finish, Coldfront interjected, "This isn't about the simulation!" He yelled as zodiac and lee looked on. "I will avenge the death of my friend, you all can call me a coward all you want, but mark my words, I will kill Chanzu for what he has done to my friend!" Coldfront announced as tears began to fall from his eyes. It then shows Nova outside the door with tears falling from her eyes as well." "These past two years I was gone because I was looking for my friend, this isn't something I can just forget about, I will find Chanzu, and I will kill him, with or without your consent!" Coldfront declared, as he rose from his seat and left out of the room, as Zodiac looked on with a sad look. As he was walking out, he looked over at Nova who had tears running down her face, "I will avenge him." Coldfront reassured as he continued to walk out of sight.

Meanwhile, it shows billy blue eyes in his new room. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He yelled when it came to Amy was ready for action. "what's wrong?" She asked as billy laid back on his bed, "Oh nothing, I'm just bored." he stated. "Billy, you just made me jump up from a nap, run in here to hear you say you're bored, if you do this again, I will pulverize you!" Amy said with anger, as she was huffing and puffing an intimidated billy, as she walked out the room. "Geez! what's her problem? Say I know how to cheer her up, I'll volunteer to help decorate the place since Halloween is coming up, I'll "I'll make this place look snazzy." he said with excitement giving jazz hands. Billy then went on his annoying rant.

Amy was sleeping in bed when Billy slowly rose from onside of her bed. "Hey, Amy! Can I Decorate For The Halloween Party?" He inquired in a yelling voice scaring Amy out of her sleep, As she flew to the ceiling screaming then back on her bed. she then twitches her eye and began winding up her hand and punched Billy in the face. "You Idiot!" She screamed as billy was punched out of her window. "The answer is No!" She called from her window, as billy was knocked out. It then shows Amy eating hot curry, as Billy dashed at her "Can I now?" He asked as it shows Amy with the curry on her face, and her face was steaming Red," "NO!" She cried, as she super kicked Billy sending him flying into the kitchen area. Next, it shows Amy slumped down in the newly built hot springs, as Billy this time, was dressed as a female in the hot springs with Amy in the hot steamy water. "Hey madam, what seems to be the problem?" Billy asked, throwing on a female country accent. "Ugh! this guy Billy blue eyes is so annoying, this is a place to relax and where boys aren't allowed, he keeps bothering me about decorating for the Halloween party." she explained, when she asked, "I haven't seen you around here new girl, what's your name?" "Well my little ol name is Billyana." he answered, as it showed Amy's inside Amy, "her parents must've been drinking or something, naming her that." she said, as Billyana added, "I thank that billy blue eyes fellow is a pretty handsome, suave, and debonair type of fellow, and I think you should let him decorate this Halloween party, in fact, I've seen some of his decorations, and it's top-notch." "she said, as Amy added to that. "maybe you're right new girl, I can't find anyone else," she said, as it showed mini billy in Billy's head. "Yes! Yes! Yes! you're in billy, you've done it again cool guy." billyana then was exiting the hot springs, "well I'll go let Billy know the good news." she said, as Amy had her eyes closed in the hot springs. "hey new girl, I'm throwing a sleepover in my room with Chill an Nova tonight, you're invited to join." Amy added, as billy broke character, "Ew! gross, girls sleepover...(clears throat) I mean, that'll be fantastic." billyana added, as Amy opened her eyes, "what you say your name is again, Billya...…Hey Wait A Minute!" Amy yelled, as she was raging "Billy!!!!!" She cried, as billy tried to run, but was caught and pummeled, by Amy, as you can hear his screams. Lastly, it showed Amy, Chill, Nova, Max, and Billy chan." "please! someone step up, anyone but Billy please!" Amy begged, as no one stepped up. "girls please?" Amy asked, looking at Chill, an Nova. "we all feel Billy should do it." max said, as Billy waltz in glowing with confidence. "Fine…..Billy you can decorate." Amy said with her head down, as billy was jumping for joy, as Amy walked out. "you owe us x cash billy, we got you in now pay up." chill added. "Alright, alright hold your horses," he stated.

Meanwhile, it showed Sparks, Stealth, and Ju-Ju stalemating with Rajin inside an abandoned warehouse. "I'm looking for Red, tell me his whereabouts and I'll only kill one of you." he asked, as Stealth stepped up. "you believe we're gonna tell you where he is criminal?" He asked. "Very well then, I'll make this quick." Rajin declared. "Get ready!" JuJu said as Rajin charged at them while yelling, "Who wants to die first!" He then kicked Ju-Ju into a wall knocking her to the floor." "He then kicked Ju-Ju into a wall knocking her to the floor. Then he charged at Sparks, who darted out of the way quickly, "a cowardly speedster." Rajin said as he set his sights on stealth. Stealth was battle-ready, as Rajin came towards him and started throwing black lightning bolts at stealth, who then started dodging it. About a minute into evading the oncoming assault, stealth was then struck with a bolt that hit his arm. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" He cried as he went crashing to the ground. Sparks then stared at Rajin with anger, as he ran towards Rajin who then grabbed him by the neck and tossed him to the wall, having sparks arm go through a sharp rod on the wall. Sparks then saw blurriness after falling to the ground. He then saw both Stealth and Ju-Ju getting beat pretty badly. Sparks then staggered to his feet holding his arm, as he dashed at Rajin who was about to kill Ju-Ju, but sparks charged pushed him knocking Ju-Ju from his grasp. "Sparks!" She yelled. "get Stealth and get out of here!" He hollered with a now demanding voice." "Sparks we're not leaving you!" she added. "Go!" He demanded, as she was a little shocked by his sudden attitude change. She then grabbed Stealth who was still in pain and was headed out, when she stopped and looked at sparks. "thank you… for everything." he stated, as tears came from Ju-Ju's eyes. "now go!" sparks added, as she exited the building with Stealth.

"You hurt my friends, Now I'm gonna hurt you!" sparks proclaimed. "You got it all wrong kid, this is your demise, I told you at the beginning of the fight, that someone is gonna die…..and that someone....is you." he pointed out. "You shut the hell up!" Sparks angrily yelled as he ran with tremendous speed and punched Rajin in the face sending Rajin back a little. Then sparks did it again, and again, and again. Filled with rage, sparks repeatedly punched with speed attacks at Rajin, followed by a speed punch to the gut and then in the back, and then the face, as Rajin staggered a bit. "You had potential kid." Rajin pointed out stopping sparks from another onslaught. "All I wanted was the whereabouts of my soon to be dead son, and know where his exact location is, but you're about to perish, because of a foolish heroes moral." Rajin added. "you shut your mouth!" Sparks added, as he was about to dash but started running slowly towards Rajin. "what the!" sparks said to himself. "don't consider this death personal, it's only a matter of business," Rajin said, as the 5 Cobra clan ninjas came from out of hiding. "What's happened to my speed?" Sparks asked, as Rajin responded, "these ninja stayed in hiding and slowly drained your chi while you thought you were winning for a moment, clouded by rage has this young speedster run into Death itself," Rajin said, as the now depleted sparks fell to his hands and knees unable to move, as Rajin gathered up a black bolt of lightning. "This is a message to anyone who stands in the way of the death of Red, and this is now my goal, I will leave a path of bodies to kill that ungrateful coward son of mine, consider yourself inducted into the throne of Death!" Rajin proclaimed as it showed Ju-Ju and Stealth running back to the building, "I don't care what he said! We don't leave a warrior behind!" He yelled as they entered the warehouse and into the room to see standing before them was Rajin and the cobra clan. "I'm afraid you're a bit too late." Rajin said, as he dropped a smoke bomb and he and the cobra clan disappeared, as it shows the dead body of sparks laying there with his eyes open and not breathing, as the chapter ends."