

"Why can't I find Coldfront's Chi?" Rayden hollered while taking out a ninja. "I don't know, perhaps he hid it!" Lee shouted while he too was combating.

It then showed Chill still crying and holding the body of Coldfront.

Meanwhile, Zenith was Stalemating with Warlock Doom. "You only go about killing little kids and show no sympathy," Zenith added, still angry, as they stood in the middle of the chaos. "You call him a kid, a kid does not partake in any means such as this, a kid is at home, worrying about his or her next meal, or having fun, and I look around this battlefield and I see no kids, I see men and women combating in War to see who is the best of the best. It's sad, you still call these Warriors kids, Now, with that being said, let me send you with that shadow wolf." Warlock doom added.

Meanwhile, it showed Shiniko still clashing with Predator.

Zenith then charged at Warlock doom, and they both went all out. Zenith then punched Warlock sending him back, and Zenith then dashed at him and kept repeating the move. Warlock then staggered to his feet as Zenith exploded with anger. He then dashed at Warlock and started punching him in the face and stomach with rapid speed. Warlock doom then was pushed back a bit, and Zenith ran towards him and landed a flying dropkick sending him to the ground. "You killed an Elite Warrior! He was the future!!!" Zenith Shouted. "Well, your Future is Dead!!!" Warlock doom shouted back, as the two of them ran towards one another.

They both punched each other in the face. They then went their distance and started a shuriken battle, both aiming at one another with the tons of shurikens that were thrown their way.

Suddenly, Zenith was turning into a mirage, "what!" Warlock doom shouted when the real Zenith was standing in a distance. "How?" Warlock doom asked himself while staring at an incensed Zenith.

Zenith then created a clone and they both started gathering energy from their hands as the real Zenith kept his eyes on Warlock doom. "You're gonna pay!" He shouted as he started shootings yellow beams from his hands. Warlock doom started evading the beams. They then clashed once more going head to head in battle.

Meanwhile, Chill rejoined the battlefield, only to approach Negative Coldfront. She then became angry, "you're not Coldfront, you dress like him but you're nowhere near as great as him." She said while clenching her fist. "Is that why he's dead?" Negative Coldfront asked when chill dashed at him.

The War was becoming intense, it then shows Zenith and Warlock's doom continuing the battle. They were fighting all over the place. "Mist of 1000 fist!" Zenith added as multiple fists came out of nowhere swinging at warlock doom.

"What is this!" Warlock shouted as Zenith was hitting him blow for blow. Zenith then picked up speed and started attacking stronger hits to the body of warlock.

Minutes later, Warlock Doom staggered to his feet, "even if you kill me, the War is still in our favor. With Coldfront out of the game and Zodiac, you all stand no chance! Obliteration will be handed to every warrior on your team, personally by lord Virus." He said, as Zenith threw two shurikens at him, "kinetic explosion." He said when the two shurikens exploded with Warlock Doom in the center of it.

It then showed Virus looking on with malice.

It then showed Chill on the ground panting, as Negative Coldfront stood over her. "Your team is about to be hit with Harsh Reality, one by one you will all die." Negative Coldfront said.

It ends the chapter showing an even angrier look on Virus's face. "Playtime is over." He stated.