

"It's time." Recon said to herself as Virus was descending from where he was standing. "That power is incredible," Pulse added, after killing another ninja.

Virus just stood there for a couple of minutes looking at most of the fighters looking at him. "I realize that I'm the star attraction," he said while adding, "And now, it's time to kill!" He yelled while charging off and killing any and everyone in sight. Mainly most of the Ninja Army. Virus was enjoying his onslaught of bodies being dropped by his hands. "Hello, little girl." He menacingly greeted her, as Tera turned around to see Virus. She then charged at him poised to strike, but he blocked her with ease and kicked her. "This guy," Tera said while looking at Virus walk up to her. "Your friends aren't here to save you." Virus added, as Tera went in offensive mode and started attacking him, but to no avail, Virus was deflecting all her attacks while laughing. She then went her distance while panting. "Is that all?" He asked when she ran towards him and started performing her Teleportation combat. But it wasn't helping, every time Tera disappear "and reappear, Virus blocks and deflects her attacks.

"He's too strong." She stated to herself while panting. "Is that all you have in your little bag of tricks?" He asked while chuckling a bit before becoming serious again.

It then shows Negative Coldfront punishing Chill with repeated punches.

Back to Virus, who was slowly walking to Tera who was on her bottom crawling backward now afraid. "You should've stayed home, but look at you now, trembling at my feet knowing you're about to die." He said when Chill shouted "Never!" While charging at him. "Death Inducement!" He said while standing at Tera who was running towards him. She then halted. "This is the end for you." He stated as he snapped his fingers and she fell to her death. Virus then just stood there staring at her.

"Nooooooo!" Hawke yelled while charging at Virus with rage. When Hawke made it to him, he swung at Virus who immediately caught the fist of Hawke and kicked him with force sending him flying back hard as he impacted a big bolder of rocks and flew through it and hit the ground.

Hawke was pissed, as he staggered to his feet. "T...Tera." He said with anger as he clenched his fist. As Virus was approaching, Hawke looked at him with rage. "You will pay for this!!!!!!!" He yelled while taking off at Virus, as they collided in battle.

It showed Chill being sent to the ground once more. Her mask was tattered, and blood leaked from her arm as well. "I haven't even raised my Chi to destroy you."

Virus was surprised at the fact that Hawke was keeping up with him. They continued the clash and Hawke was hitting him with thunderous punches, as the battle continued. It then showed Zenith battling with pulse, and Shiniko was fighting with Predator still.

"It's time to die." Negative Coldfront said as he walked to Chill creating a dagger out of ice. When he was about to kill her, the ground started to shake.

Everyone then stopped fighting, "What's happening?" X-factor said.

It then showed the dead body of Coldfront floating in the air in a distance as everyone looked to see his unconscious body in the air. "Coldfront." Chill said as the body of Coldfront was consumed by a large white light. It then showed the Medallion of health disappearing mid-air.

"The medallion of health." Virus added as it goes back to the light vanishing slowly and the body of Coldfront landing softly to the ground.

Another light emerged, only this time, the light was gold. After it disappeared, it showed everyone looking on as Coldfront floated to the top of a large Rocky Mountain-like, staring at them.

"His Chi is massive!" Recon said to herself in shock. "He's alive." Chill said with a sigh. It then showed him up close looking up slowly with his eye color alongside his attire was now Gold. "His power is at the state as ours Shiniko," Zenith said as they all looked on.

Coldfront just stood there observing the battle as everyone started fighting again, most of the fighters were intimidated by the power Coldfront had surging from his body.

It then shows Virus getting the upper hand on Hawke. While that was going on Coldfront was standing there analyzing everyone at once.

Virus then punched Hawke sending him to the ground and was going for the killing strike when Hawke just vanished with the blink of an eye. "What the!" Virus said shockingly. "Did you see that Shiniko?" Zenith asked in a shocked manner. "A....Amazing." Shiniko answered as it showed Virus looking at Coldfront in the distance. "Such speed, that's not the same snot-nosed brat as before, he's different now." Virus added.

It showed Chill being kicked on all fours by Negative Coldfront. "He's still not as strong as I am, and it's past your death, I hope you enjoyed your life, but now it's Over!!" He yelled while throwing seven ice blades at Chill who was unable to move, when, Coldfront within seconds, appeared in front of Chill while holding the ice blades in his hands as everyone looked on.

"This should be interesting." Virus said as he went his distance.

It then showed a calm but powerful Coldfront looking at the mirror image of himself. Chill then slowly looked upward at the backside of Coldfront. "He's different, more powerful." She said as it showed Billy blue eyes alongside Rayden, Lee, and Billy chan looking on.

The two of them stalemated one another. Coldfront slowly looked at Chill, then back at Negative Coldfront, who then went into his fighting stance. It then showed Shiniko and Zenith, Then Recon And Pulse, Then Virus. It then showed Negative Coldfront in his fighting stance looking at the newly mysterious Coldfront who was standing there looking at him to end the chapter.