4:30 am
"Wake up its time to train" urodaki says as he wakes up tanjiro and haru
"What are we going to be doing" haru asked
"You'll see once we get there" urodaki said as they started going to the top of mt.Sagiri
5:00 am
"Finally" tanjiro said as he was breathing super heavy
"Now make it back down to the shack within an hour if you don't you will be kicked out also this place is rigged with traps good luck" urodaki said as he dissapears
"Huh we only have an hour" tanjiro said breathing heavily "whatever I already have his smell this will be easy" he added
"No it won't" Haru said
"Yeah it will be watch" tanjiro said as he started running forward and immediately fell into a pothole and then tried to get up and and touch a rope that caused him to get hit by a log "ahhh damnit" tanjiro screamed in pain
"Calm down catch your breath and follow me" Haru said as he let tanjiro catch his breath and then started teaching tanjiro how to dodge each trap
45 minutes later
'Will they even return' urodaki thought to himself.
As soon as he thought that he heard the door swing open with tanjiro celebrating he looked back to see tanjiro less injured than he thought and Haru barely having any scratches on him.
In Harus head he hears a ding and something saying he completed a quest and gained 15 agility and 5 strength and new ability gained thread
"Well done you made it back alive and less hurt than I thought" urodaki said
"That's because Haru taught me how to dodge all of the traps so I can dodge them easily now" tanjiro said as he threw his hand of harus shoulder
Urodaki just looked at Haru in suprise 'he had time to do all of that and make it up here' urodaki thought surprisingly
A week later if doing the same thing everyday
"Today we are going to switch up your training you will still descend the mountain except carrying a katana and then after that you will swing the katana 1,000 times and then after that you will cut bamboo and if you break your sword I will break your bones after that you will fight me" urodaki said
"W-what we can't do that much right Haru" tanjiro said as Haru just sighed and looked away
"Also Haru I have a gift for you it's this kimono" urodaki says as he gives Haru the kimono that the picture had shown
"Thanks" Haru says smiling
10 minutes later when they got up the mountain
"Alright tanjiro this is how you hold a sword while running" Haru says as he demonstrates
59 minutes later
Urodaki hears the familiar sound of the door sliding open but this time he hears 2 boys huffing
"Alright are you guys ready for the sword practice"urodaki asked amused
"Yes" Haru said
10 minutes later
"Alright here's where it will be done now I will give a demonstration on how to swing a sword" urodaki says as he swings the sword 5 times with perfect form "you guys get it"
"Yep" tanjiro and Haru said
5 minutes later
'I'm finally on my 100th swing it seems tanjiro is still on 50 I nearly have gotten good at it but that would take around 500 swings
A month later
"Get some rest tomorrow I will be teaching you total concentration breathing" urodaki said
10 months later
The boys who had become the absolute best of friends reached the top of mount sagiri where urodaki was waiting for them
"Hey there boys" urodaki said to the kids he looked at as his children
"Hey mister urodaki" the boys said together
"Sadly I have nothing else to teach you" urodaki said sadly
Tanjiro started tearing up as Haru consoled him
"But there is one more thing you must do" urodaki said as he got tanjiro a attention
"What is that" tanjiro asked
"Follow me" urodaki said as they followed him and saw 2 massive boulders "you must cut these boulders" urodaki said " if you do I will allow you to go to final selection" he added
"But urodaki san how are we supposed to cut threw this it's a Boulder our swords will break" tanjiro said
"You'll figure it out I believe in you" urodaki said as he dissapears
6 months later
The boys had been doing double the training they had been doing the entire time and yet they still couldn't cut threw the boulders Haru had underestimated this in his previous life
"Damnit Haru how are we supposed to do this" tanjiro asked nearly sobbing
"Don't worry tanjiro we will do it I know we can" he said as he had started to doodle with tanjiro s hair which always calmed him down
"Thanks haru" tanjiro said
"No problem" Haru replied
3 weeks later
They had trained harder they were losing hope the only thing that kept Haru going was the fact he knew at least tanjiro would break the rock
Tanjiro starts banging his head on the rock furiously as Haru stops him by shielding his head with his hand
"Damn it that hurt" Haru said while whimpering
"A-are you okay I didn't mean to hurt you" tanjiro asked while looking furiously at harus hand but Haru just messed with his hair and said he was fine
Then all the sudden they hear a voice saying "SILENCE"
They look up to see a peach haired boy with a mask on
"Men shouldn't wine" Saburo said to them as he just received a flat stare from Haru whose hand had nearly been crushed mere moments before
"Who are you" tanjiro says as he jumps in front of Haru to protect him from the masked man
Sabito then jumped down to hit tanjiro but Haru blocked the attack and the kick that followed it
"Oh your pretty fast what's your name" Saburo asked Haru
"Haru" is all he said as he stood in front of tanjiro
(Tanjiro is about 3x stronger than he was at this point in the original)
"Your holding back aren't you" Haru asked
"Very perceptive of you" sabito said smirking
"Now are you ready let's go" sabito said as he dashed towards Haru who parries the attack and try's to stab sabito in the stomach "that was close" sabito say as he dodges the attack and tries to hit Haru who dodges and jumps back as he sees sabito jumping from tree to tree and the watches as sabito lunges for an unexpecting tanjiro 'shit' Shari thinks as he uses max speed and barely makes it in time to block sabito a attack which throws him back 5 feet before he regains his footing and he sees sabito already lunging at him again so he blocks
"More, more, more" sabito says as he gets faster which makes Haru get faster but he's to slow and starts getting hit which causes tanjiro to jump in and immediately get knocked out which sends Haru into a rage so he blitzed sabito with speeds he had never reached before and attacked faster than ever which caused sabito to go on the defensive u till he noticed a flaw in harus technique because he was overflowing with anger so sabito exploited that and knocked Haru out with a strike to the jaw.
"That kid was strong he made me try" sabito said as Makomo showed herself
3 hours later
Tanjiro woke up to see a little girl above him
"Did you see that where did that bastard go" tanjiro said
"Calm down I will be looking after you" makomo said
*the next day
Tanjiro and Haru wake up and get introduced to sabito and makomo who would then help them get stronger and discover themselves it also made Haru realize he was gay whilst every person makomo ever saw had called her beautiful he didn't think so he just wasn't attracted to her (if you gonna be homophobic go ahead and your account will be reported read the synopsis) of course he wouldn't tell anyone this because that would lead to a lot of embarrassing situations.
6 months later
Tanjiro s hair had grown out but harus didn't it stayed the same they had gotten a lot stronger and it was time to face sabito
"It's time for our final battle" sabito told the pair "tanjiro will fight makomo you Haru will fight me" he added
"Alright we will fight first" Haru said
As they stood across from each other they both dashed disappearing from makomo and Tanjiro s sight as all the saw was sabito s mask cut into 5 pieces as they fell down and sabito smiled getting a smile and a hug from Haru as he dissolved into nothing and Haru smiled
"It's our turn now" makomo said "are you ready Tanjiro" she added
"I was born ready" tanjiro replied as they got in fighting stances
As Haru said go they both went insanely fast and Tanjiro managed to cut straight threw the middle of makomos mask
"Good job tanjiro and Haru" makomo said as she faded away and Tanjiro and Haru heard the praise of all the dead children and fell to the ground crying and hugging each other they had trained so hard for this then they saw they cut threw the boulders and another wave came.
They saw urokodaki who came over and got on his knees to praise them as they hugged him and cried.
That night
They were having a celebration.
After that tanjiro was gonna cut his hair but Haru convinced him not to and he put it into a ponytail (that's right long haired tanjiro it will be like yoriichis)
Urokodaki then handed them masks they had the same designs except harus was flipped and blue not red like tanjiros he also gave them the blue kimono with clouds on it.
They then headed off to final selection Haru made sure to say "say high to
and makomo for me" because he always liked that line and it confused urodaki.
Yo hope you guys enjoyed anyways Seeya soon