Chapter Two

"Papa was in that egg!"

Frowning and furrowing his sandy brown brows at the interruption, Loki stared down at the reptilian offspring of Eskil while crossing his arms over his chest. His eldest son and daughter sat in front of him, just mere inches from crushing his toes with their young weight. Near the warmth of the large fire, both gazed up at him with delight at his tale. Across from the vibrant flames sat Libelle and the first-born dragon of legend, Eskil.

His cousin Theron rested against the sawn lumber that was used as a mildly comfortable bench, his arm lazily draped over the dry bark. Loki's sibling Thor, and Father Odin also sat around the fire; enjoying the story of their history and the innocent reactions of the children.

Astrid and Björn's younger siblings played in the grass beside Thor. The twin's platinum blonde hair braided to one side of their head, and their matching clothes staining a bright green the more they crawled in the lush grass.

Astrid bounced up, giggling and running up to her father. "You were the one in the egg, right Papa?"

He smiled warmly at his young daughter, the wavy tendrils of her hair framing her round face, threads of broken grass knotted into strands. "Yes Astrid. I was." Eskil's soothing baritone voice whispered; his lips lifted in a smile at his daughter who was so very enamored by the story.

She squealed, running around the fire that was licking at the stack of stones trapping its flames within its circle. She stopped, her bare toes twisting in the grass as she slid to a halt before running into Loki. Pounding her small balled up fist against the Aesir's knees, she whined. "Finish the story! I want to know what happened to Papa!"

Loki rolled his hazel eyes, not attempting to hide the mischievous smile on his thin lips. "Are you going to keep interrupting me if I continue?" he asked in an impish manner.

Astrid pouted her lower lip, her chin tilting downwards as her sparkling blue eyes glistened with the same untamed vexatious behavior. "I won't promise anything." Her last word being reinforced with a slight humph and a stomp of her foot.

"If you interrupt me, I won't tell you the end." Loki teased, raising his long fingers and playfully tapped the tip of her nose.

Eskil and Theron sighed, all to familiar with the young girls tantrums. She was bound to get her way, one way or another. The determination that was within her small shell was more than any child her age should possess. If she desired something, her family knew of it. If she desired anything, and did not receive it, the world knew of it. Only her mothers gaze, cold and steady, would her fit cease. Though there were battles worth choosing, and her parents chuckled to themselves whilst exchanging a knowing glance. If the Aesir Loki wished to bring about the plight that could rupture his ear drums, they'd let him. It was not often that the Aesir encountered beings who treated them as such, with no formalities and standing as equal with each other around the fire. Astrid, Bjorn and their twin siblings were children of Libelle and Eskil, but family of the Aesir.

Libelle giggled, covering her full lips as her matching blue eyes glanced towards Odin who was smirking back at her. The father of so many children knew the never ending tasks of taming such rebellious kin. His blonde beard, with flecks of white and grey hair twisted into a pair of matching braids beneath his chin, the thick strands spinning between his fingertips.

Astrid squealed, "No! Finish the story!"

Björn glared at his sister, pointing to the soil beside him. "Sit down Astrid and he will." She did not bat an eyelash at him and continued to stare down the Aesir who took a long sip of his ale.

"Finish the story Uncle Loki, finish it!"

"Sit down Astrid." Bjorn hissed.

Astrid turned her head, turning her glares to her brother. His arms were crossed over his chest, yet one finger pointed to his side. Her eyes followed its direction and one pair of blue eyes met another, only one pair was slightly narrowed with a single, raised brow.

She huffed, yet following the silent command of her mothers dagger-like stare, she sat down beside her brother. "I'm sitting, happy?" she asked, looking at both Björn and Loki. She patted the crumbled material of her dress, flicking the crumbs of dirt from her legs.

Her parents both stifled a laugh this time, watching their eldest son take on an important role as Astrid's teacher. All without ever having been asked to. He was calm and mature, patient and very wise for his age. A perfect mirror image of his father.

Loki looked away from the children, sparks from the burning logs jumping before his face. "I don't know if I want to tell you the rest of the story anymore."

Astrid nearly screamed at the mischievous god, but her brother calmly covered her mouth. Pulling her against his side and restraining her struggle. Glaring at her once more to silence her sweets-filled frenzy.

"Come now Loki," Thor said, his cheerful voice tormenting his adopted brother. "Finish the story, you do tell it so well." His mug of ale clinked metallically with that of his fathers before lifting it over the twins heads as their wee hands reached for the drink while passing by.

Odin laughed and picked up each of the twins, supporting each one on an opposite knee and smiling when their little hands twisted into his peppered beard. "Yes Loki, it is no fun tormenting a child."

Loki pointed at Astrid, and raised his brows "This child. This one right here. I'll have you know, is incredibly fun to torment."

Astrid stuck her tongue out at him, yet applauded him when he sighed and agreed to finish the story. It was nearing the end of the intermission anyway, so why should he stop now? Unless he truly wanted to annoy the little she-dragon. Unlike her father and brother, she was very, very easy to tease.

She settled back down, resting her cocoa-colored wavy locks against her brothers shoulder. He dusted off the frills of her gown as she made herself more comfortable, pressing her body heat into his. His steely blue eyes showing great compassion for the unruly child, yet the adolescent boy would never admit it. Loki smiled gently at the two, and then continued with the tale.

"Now, where was I…" he thought. "So, there was an egg, and inside it was this foul-smelling, lazy wretch of a-" Loki shielded his face, laughing and almost falling backwards off the log he sat upon when Eskil threw a handful of dirt and moss at him.

Thor tore a shred of salted venison from the dry meat in his hand, grinding the tough meat between his molars. "He was awfully smelly. Rather loud and obnoxious too."

Eskil snarled in jest, kicking the ash near his heel at the leather bag containing Thor's gifted treats. "Hey!" Thor chuckled, brushing the ash away and kicking ash back at Eskil. The twins sneezed, bouncing upon Odin's knees, causing the father of fathers to pull them closer to his chest, away from the irritant.

The three men cleared their throats and glanced amongst each other as the mother of dragons narrowed her brows at them all, best to not upset a Slayer of her caliber. Loki, once more clearing his throat with a swig of ale swished the liquid about his mouth. He prepared to continue his story.