Chapter Three

"So, Búri raised the dragon, teaching it all he knew and guiding it down a path of light, a path of good. Eskil learned from all the gods, including how to fly and use magic. From a young age the reptilian learned of our history, toured the realms of the gods, and protected us… fought with us.

"Eskil was the first born, a prince among his species. A species that was soon to grow in numbers rather quickly. Harvesting scales from the ebony dragon's breast-"

"I still have bald spots from that." Eskil chuckled, his head rolled back into Libelle's lap while she combed her fingers through his midnight black hair.

Loki exhaled slowly. "Búri threw the scales into the fires of Muspelheim. Shortly after, he once again returned with a dragon's egg. Then another, and another, and another. Soon there was a whole clutch of them, and Eskil was no longer the only dragon in our world.

"The dragons born from the scales of the first were all unique. Some possessing abilities that no other dragon has ever developed. Others proving stronger, wiser, faster. These dragons were the first to be sent to Midgard."

"Why were they sent there?" Björn asked.

Loki's glare went un-phased to the teenager, yet he answered the question with surprising patience.

"Búri insisted that man needed to be guided. They needed an ally that was wise and strong, yet they could not have the Aesir stand beside them more than they already had. Búri had taught Eskil all there was to know about man, and tasked him to befriend the mortals.

"The dragons left Asgard and flew to Midgard, where they carried out Búri's request for a long time. With the arrival of the mythical creatures, some dwarves crept from their holes in the ground and befriended man. The union between some mortals and the dwarves resulted in the birth of the race of elves. A race that never truly fit into the world of man or dwarf. Outcasts in the moment of their creation."

"Mama is not an outcast!" Astrid shrieked, "Mama is the most beautiful, sweet and kind and bestest mama of them all!"

Libelle couldn't hide her laugh then, bursting with adoration and the love and innocence her daughter held for her. The little girl had been genuinely offended by the Aesir's words, as if he were intentionally insulting the immortal she-elf, bound by soul to the dragon Eskil.

Björn took hold of Astrid's wrist before she stood up to wage battle with Loki who covered his frustrated expression with both his hands. "He wasn't talking about Mother, Astrid."

"But he said that elves were outcasts! That's mean! Mama is not an outcast!"

Björn sighed and shook his head, though this time his sentence was interrupted by Loki. "How many elves do you know child?"

Astrid lifted one hand and started counting on her fingers, but then smiled up at the Aesir. "Mama!"

Loki was about to further address the argument with the young dragon, yet stopped himself with a groan, and shook his head. "Never mind, I am not going there with you tonight." He gnawed on a piece of meat. "Alright, on with the story then… where was I? dragons were at Midgard, Dwarves did the nasty, Elves were, ahem, not outcasts." Astrid smiled victoriously and he ignored her. "Ah yes that's where we were. However, man grew jealous. Jealous of the natural beauty and magical abilities of elves. Jealous of the skilled craftsmanship of the dwarves, and the intricate empires they built beneath the earth. Cities of golden light filled with hordes of gems.

"They envied the dragons for their ability to soar the skies, to use magic, and to visit the gods. Jealousy proved to lead to corruption and war became imminent. It wasn't long before killing began. Man fought the elves, dwarves, and dragons. While dragons fought to maintain order and balance. It was a time of great bloodshed. Though that is an entirely different tale. So there you have it, that is how this world was created, and how your father came to be in this land."

Björn and Astrid looked at one another, and both children leaned forward from their spots on the ground. "Tell us about the war!"

Loki smirked, "Another time."

Björn groaned and rolled his eyes while his sister threw another fit, one that was interrupted by Theron who gently lifted her into his arms. The red headed and copper eyed dragon wrapped his mortal arms around her slender body and held her firmly against his chest. She frowned at him, pinching the taut skin around his neck and shoulders. "Put me down Theron! Loki has to finish his story!"

He winced as she continued her vicious pinching, "Another time darling, it is late, and you should be resting."

"I'm not tired!" she struggled in his grip, glaring at Loki who smiled at her as if he'd won their unspoken battle. He wiggled his fingers at her as Theron ignored her protests and carried her off towards the house.

Loki rested his hands on his hips as he stood up with a sigh. "Ah, so precious."

Björn stood up in front of him and cocked a dark umber, almost black brow at him. "You think she's precious?"

Loki looked down at the lad almost startled, "Of course not! She is wilder than your mother and father combined."

The group looked towards the house as they heard Theron grumble out a pained yelp, Astrid practically crawling over his shoulder and waving her fist in their direction. Her feet were flailing wildly and the red dragon struggled to keep hold of her.

"I heard that you mongrel! I'll get you Loki!"

Loki smirked, making a strange face at her. "I doubt that." He called.

Astrid visibly became more irate, squealing in Theron's hold. "Ouch!" he spun around and snarled back at Loki who was unnecessarily picking a fight with the youngster. "Don't taunt her!"

Eskil glanced up at Libelle who was braiding small bits of his hair. "I wonder where she gets that temper of hers." He said with a smile, to which she gave him a sarcastic and knowing expression. It wasn't him, that was for sure.

Odin stood up, handing the now slumbering twins to their parents as they rose from their spots. Thor adjusted his belt and walked towards Loki who was stretching his neck. Björn kicked dirt into the embers of the fire, the glistening colors of reflecting off his eyes.

The cool fall air swept around him in a sudden gust, picking up fallen leaves and spinning them about the dying grass. The crisp smell of the changing seasons tickled his nostrils, gently embracing his skin and reminding him of the upcoming winter. It was a beautiful season, and a time that the Aesir seemed to commonly visit him and his family.

He watched as Odin and Loki began to say their goodbyes to his parents, Odin adoringly stroking the long blonde locks of his youngest siblings like a caring grandfather. Eskil clasped the God Kings hand in his own, nodding at something he said while Libelle placed a kiss against Loki's cheek.

Thor approached Björn and placed a strong hand on his shoulder. "Will we see you again soon?" Björn asked.

"Soon, yes Björn."

Björn twisted the fabric of his shirt in his hands, sighing and looking down at the dirt. The simple gesture of raising a brow on Thor's face, and he knelt in front of the teenager. Thor tapped the boys chin, silently requesting him to raise his head. Thor's vibrant blue eyes met his, eyes that were striking yet incomparable to the marbled ocean of his mothers and sisters. The all-powerful god smiled. "Stay strong Björn. We will return next season."

"Why does everyone tell me that?" Björn asked, ignoring the promise to return. He knew they'd come back, every year around the changing of the seasons they'd make an appearance. He wasn't quite sure why they couldn't visit more often, but the question wasn't among his agenda for the evening.

Thor laughed, knowing that the child was under pressure simply by his birthright. "Because it is good to remain strong. You should live each day as if it were a miracle. Train your body, your mind and your soul. Become a strong warrior, a compassionate lover, and a wise teacher." Thor said softly, placing both his hands on Björn's tense shoulders.

Björn groaned and rolled his eyes. "Why? Why do I have to work so hard? Astrid and the twins don't have to do that much."

Thor grinned at the childish reaction, one not quite so common for him. "Because Björn," he said while standing upright, taking a backwards step towards his father and brother. "-one day you will be the prince among dragons."

"So what! What does that mean anyway?"

Thor's grin widened, "You will know one day."

With that final statement, the gods vanished. Leaving him alone with his parents and youngest siblings. They both held one of the toddlers in their arms and stared at him with the gentlest of expressions. His mother, the sweetest of souls he could ever imagine meeting. Her heart was warm and she treated him like the rarest of treasures. The love she had for him was unmeasurable.

Björn looked up at his father. A dragon by birthright, yet at this moment he stared at him with blazing red eyes in the form of a man. His presence was one that demanded respect, and all those who ever met him, gave him it without question.

To be a prince of dragons, means he would be like his father.

Incredibly strong, with strength that no one was capable of matching. Respected and honored, everyone looked up to him and listened to his words. Wise and patient, a perfect instructor and father. Loving and caring, he was a man who has made his mother happy and formed a wonderful family. All of his characteristics and the words that could be used to describe him, was simply perfection.

"Björn?" Libelle called his name, having taken half a step towards the house. His father smiled tenderly at him, extending a hand out towards him.

"It's time to go inside son." Eskil said. Björn took several steps towards his parents, placing his hand in his fathers and marveling at how massive his fathers palm was in comparison to his own. Warm, strong, gentle.

To be a prince, is to be like him.