Chapter Eleven

Björn woke the following morning with a throbbing headache. It felt as if his skull were about to split into two. His body was on fire, his skin slick and sweaty. He ached and his throat felt parched and dry.

However it was not an illness that ailed him. The three women from the evening before clung to his body. One on each of his sides nestled against his ribs and his arms wrapped around them. The most adventurous of them all laid across his chest, her light brown hair tickling his skin. Their warmth radiated into him, their body heat combined mimicking the heat of a large fire.

His head was pulsating in pain from the several tankards of ale he drank, and looking at the wretched pitcher on the table, he had little doubts as to why it was he felt so pitiful. The late morning sun was creeping into his tent, and he knew that soon Knut was sure to be barging through the door to wake him.

He pushed the women off of him, trying to gently lay them back onto the bed where they stirred in their sleep. Adjusting themselves into a more comfortable position, mumbling some pleasantries, and returning to a deep slumber. He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his neck and yawning.

As if hearing his thoughts and predictions, Knut entered his tent without any announcement. Smiling wide at the sight of the nude women who were sprawled out across the sheets in a peaceful and sated slumber. He was carrying a large pitcher, hopefully not of ale, and a large bucket of steaming water.

"Good morning Merkis." Knut said with an enthusiastic grin. He knew very well how Björn was feeling, and the man would find no qualms in harassing him for details of his evening's adventures.

Björn grunted, standing up and then approached Knut as he poured the steaming water into the wash basin. When handed a clean cloth, he dipped it into the warm water and washed his face. Eyeing the tall tankard of water that Knut was greedily clinging to.

"Are you going to share that as well." he asked groggily.

Knut shrugged, jutting out his lower lip. "Perhaps. Depends on how much you want it."

Björn rolled his eyes, snatching the water from him and downing it in several large gulps. The cool stream felt refreshing on his dry throat and soothed the rumbling in his stomach. A few more of them and his splitting skull might settle enough for him to tolerate the sunlight.

"Did you have a good evening lad?"

Björn shrugged, "Wasn't bad."

Knut looked at the three women with raised brows, mocking Björn's answer.

"Alright, it was fine. I've just had very little sleep and my head feels as if it is an overly used drum."

Knut laughed, "I know you didn't sleep a decent amount, and neither did half the camp."

This time Björn raised his brows at Knut, questioning his comment. Knut laughed, the boisterous sound causing the women just ten feet away to shift about on the bed, sleep still clinging to their eyes. Knut jabbed Björn in his ribs with his elbow, walking away as he spoke.

"Half the camp couldn't sleep last night. Three moaning ladies kept them awake till nearly dawn."

The cloth against his skin paused and Björn looked over his shoulder, "I'll have to apologize for that." Björn finished washing his body, wiping the scent of animalistic sex from his body before retrieving a pair of leather pants from his wardrobe.

"No need to apologize. The men knew what they were doing when they brought those lassies to you." Knut fiddled with the decorative armor that was fashioned out of gold plated metal. It was simply decorative, crafted and designed by the lord of Edinburgh, yet Björn hardly wore it.

"I hope the women were a bit more cooperative for you than they originally acted. The incense that was left burning should have made them more… willing."

Björn glared at his second in command, "The what?"

Knut pointed to the incense stand near the bed, a burnt out wand placed in it. "The incense, it's an aphrodisiac."

Björn groaned, feeling mildly defeated. "You drugged them?"

"Sort of." Knut explained. "They were fighting the men before you arrived, we just wanted to help them relax. To make them a bit more… receptive to your advances."

He covered his face with the damp washcloth and sighed, "No wonder their mood's switched like the face of a coin. And here I thought I was just that charming."

Knut chuckled, "You're far from charming."

"I find myself rather charismatic and quite handsome. The lassies do too."

Knut snorted, throwing a cotton shirt at Björn. "You are handsome, aye, I'll agree with you there. You're also incredibly narcissistic and obnoxious."

Björn's expression was a mixture of surprise and annoyance, his lips taut and straight with his brows narrowed. "I don't believe I'll take that as a compliment."

"Good. It wasn't one." Knut said. "I do have one more thing to add."

Björn rolled his eyes, tilting his head and looking at Knut with an impatient and sarcastic expression. "And what would that be?"

Knut cocked his eyebrows, "You're also an impressive man-whore."

Björn laughed, the sound boisterous. "You say it like it is a terrible thing."

Knut shrugged, "A man your age is usually settling down with a pretty lass. It surprises me to see you spreading your seed so shamelessly, and it surprises me more your parents have not chosen a wife for you."

Björn shrugged this time, fitting himself in a thigh length jacket. One he wore when he was acting as Merkis. It was a well-made coat, thick and dyed a deep navy blue. The mortals were developing new apparel every day, moving past their usual wear of animal skins. He liked it.

"It would not matter if my parents chose a wife for me or not, I would still deny her. Besides, dragons do not take wives. We take mates."

Knut pointed to the women, "Is that what they are?"

Shaking his head he explained to him, "No, those are lovers. Women who will spread their legs to satisfy my urges and nothing else. A mate, or lifemate: is the person who was born into this world and is destined to be at my side."

"Oh." said Knut, not really understanding. "So, the mate of a dragon is like what all the lasses fantasize about, like a soulmate?"

"Similar, but not quite. It is rather complicated."

Knut grunted.