Chapter Twelve

Knut grunted. "Sounds too complicated for this old man."

The middle aged man was nearly fourty and had served in the army most of his life. He was nearing the end of his service when his entire family perished in a house fire, and on that day he swore he would never take another spouse. He could not bear losing anymore family, and he almost committed suicide the day he found out about the disaster.

He returned to the front lines of the army and fought valiantly, and it wasn't until three years ago that Björn took him into his ranks. Titling him as his second in command, and the two becoming good friends. Now the two jested with one another like family.

Björn slicked his hair back with water, straightened his fine coat, and walked to the door where Knut was. The older man was ogling the nude women and Björn laughed at his expression.

"You can have them if you want." he said, something many would interpret as cruel.

Knut shook his head, refusing the offer. "No, I am too old to take on three lassies at once. Besides, after they spent a night with you… I couldn't compare."

Björn rolled his eyes, patting his hand on Knut's back and walking out into the camp. The warriors that had fought with him the day before were up and about in the camp. Taking down large tents and packaging their supplies away.

The battle was over, they would return home to their families or back to the hall that they resided in in Edinburgh. There they could train with their comrades, they could rest and be merry, or they could return to their civilian titles. There was no more threat of war, so they could let down their guard. For now.

Björn directed the men to continue to deconstruct the camp, smother their fires and take their belongings with them. Treasures would be dispersed evenly among those who had fought, and any slaves who had been taken captive could be sold off at the market in Edinburgh. There, the slaves were at least treated decently. Unlike other strongholds within the land.

Men loaded large wagons with their belongings, saddled their horses, preparing to march by late afternoon. The short time it took the men to pick up and move on was remarkable, and it gave them great advantages in battle. They had no problem relocating to different areas to have the upper hand in battle.

Björn however, would not be joining his men in their journey to Edinburgh. Instead, he would be returning to his own home on the edge of the Vysrop Mountains. His parents owned several hundred acres, most of it consisting of beautiful mountain cliffs and forests, while some of it was plentiful grassland and prairie.

There was a mass amount of game in the forests, and the land was rich enough to support healthy crops despite the harsh climate. The trees were old and dense, reaching tall into the skies and protecting the land from any heavy wind. In the summer time, the land was flourishing with wildlife and colorful plants. While in the winter the land was what he considered perfection.

The most perfect place he would ever call home in this entire land.

"You'll give your father my regards won't you?" Knut said with a smile, pulling himself into the saddle of his burly horse.

Björn nodded, "That I can do. You're always welcome to visit us there Knut."

"Humph, that is too grand of a trip for these old bones. Just climbing into the saddle is hard these days."

Björn laughed hard, "Then retire you old fool."

Knut chuckled then, gripping the reins in his hands. "Then what? Become a merchant? A sell-sword? Or worse, a drunk!"

Björn smirked, "You're already two of those three."

Knut swatted at Björn's head, "Brat!"

"It could be worse, you could be a spinstress!"

Knut shuddered at the thought, "I'd rather join the boys at the docks and fish all day before I'd ever spin thread with those old bats!"

"Well I don't know about that, I think the old hag Helga has taken quite a fancy towards you."

He groaned, "That women is ten years my senior, blind as a mole, teeth more rotten than a corpse and uglier than my rear end."

Björn narrowed his brows mockingly, "Ohhh, cold. Very cold."

"You sleep with her then." Knut said, pointing a finger towards Björn.

The look of complete revulsion on Björn's face made Knut laugh hysterically. He kicked his horse's ribs, urging it forward and waving back to Björn as he gained some distance between them both. Moving with the crowd of men who all marched east.

"Remember, say hello to your family and stay out any trouble. The troops and I shall see you in a month for training."

Björn waved back, smiling and grateful for the old man. However, now with Knut and half the troops already leaving it was time for him to return to his tent. His attendants would be finishing the process of packing his belongings up and loading them into several wagons, and he wanted to return home as soon as he could.

He entered his tent just as the fabric on the walls were being torn down. Several attendants and a few remaining warriors were in his dwelling, all aiding each other so they could finish and leave themselves.
