Chapter Thirteen


Björn turned and saw one of his men standing beside his bed, the three women clinging to one another and glaring at the poor man.

"Merkis, the women refuse to move. Something about going with you." the warrior said.

The women saw Björn approaching and they rushed to him, nearly throwing themselves into his chest. Almost wailing, they all spoke at once.

"My lord, these men want to take us away!" one said panicked.

"Björn, they say we cannot go with you! We want to go with you!"

"Please don't send us away."

Björn exhaled slowly, resting his palms on the shoulders of the women who stood next to the eldest who was centered. "Lassies, calm down." he cooed. "Everything will be alright, do not worry."

They seemed to sigh in relief at his words, believing him as if under a spell. Björn motioned to the soldier, and three others in the area. Once they reached him he was sure to speak calmly, comforting the women and ensuring his men understood him.

"I am not traveling to the city today, I am sorry my lovelies but you must travel without me. I promise you that no harm will come to you, you will be safe. These men will take you to where you belong."

The women smiled, yet only one spoke then. "Will we see you there?"

He smiled back at them, "Of course you will. I visit often."

Making eye contact with his men he nodded, taking a step back from the women and allowing the men to escort them from the tent. This time they went much more willingly, tranced by his words that filled them with hope.

The warrior who had endured the most trouble from them spoke near his ear, "What should we do with them?"

Björn smirked, waving his fingers at the women who frantically waved back to him. "Take them to the market."

"To sell them?" he asked.

"Sell them, trade them, whichever you wish."

He cleared his throat, "Are we allowed to, ehem, touch them?"

Björn smiled at the man this time, a frightening glimmer in his eyes. "Whatever you wish, they're whores anyway."

Björn knew there was a part of himself that could be cruel. He had accepted that long ago, and by the simple action of banishing a woman from his bed… he would accept the backlash from his allies for such a thing. It was easier to abandon them, then it was to kill them.

The man eagerly smiled, accepting to take his generals coat and store it in a chest before darting after the women and his fellow men. Björn kicked off his boots, pulled his shirt over his head and tossed them onto the bed. He was about to peel off his pants when Agnes approached him.

The woman was in her later years, traveling with his men to aid in preparing meals and treating wounds. She was a kind hearted woman, and her eyes had witnessed many bloody battles.

"That was cruel of you to do my lord."

He looked down into her aged grey eyes, within them was years of wisdom that he hardly listened to. "How so?"

"Those girls trusted you."

He shrugged, flexing his shoulders. "Those girls should know better than to trust a stranger, especially one in new lands. They have nothing here. No friends or family, no rights, no titles, no land. A buyer at the market will at least offer clothing, food and protection for them."

"So you think they would do better there than trying to fend for themselves?" she asked, trying to force him to listen to his own words. Trying to get him to understand what the slave trade can do to such a young woman.

"If they tried to fend for themselves in this land, they would end up robbed, raped and slaughtered within a fortnight."

Agnes sighed, "Would you consider giving them to me?"

"For what?"

"I can teach them the skills of a healer, have them help me treat your men after battle."

Björn ground his teeth together, thinking of the best decision would be for Agnes and himself. However, the best answer he could find would be the one she would be least satisfied with.

"I'm sorry but the answer is no."

She closed her eyes, and he could see how much her heart ached for those women.

"I really am sorry Agnes. However, the last time I allowed you to take the women I bedded into your care, they ended up dead. By my hands. I don't want to do that again, especially to you."

"I understand Merkis. However, I do hope to find someone to teach. I am growing old you know."

He smirked, then sighed himself. "Tell Knut that I am allowing you to hire as many students as you need. Hire, purchase, whatever. I don't care if they are free or slave. I'll cover all the expenses you incur in the process, as well as the salaries they require."

Her wrinkled face smiled, "Thank you my lord."

Björn was about to turn away, then paused and gave her a sly grin. "One condition though."

"What would that be?"

"All of the women you take on to teach, I must not have slept with any of them. I do not need a psychotic woman chasing me onto the battlefield again."

Agnes chuckled, covering her smile before bowing to him. "That will be a most difficult task as you have bedded nearly every available woman in Edinburgh. However, I shall do my best. Thank you."

Björn smiled and nodded, stepping out of his pants and walking out from his tent. His nudity went unphased by the remaining troops nearby as the sight of a dragon walking around with his member wagging between his legs was almost common. They'd all seen him before, and only the newest troops seemed alarmed by his detailed… body. If he were clad in armor, then they might have something to be curious about.

However, Björn casually strolled through camp until he reached a small patch of flattened grass that was large enough for him to spread his wings. His bones cracked and popped; the sound more painful than it really was. In a moment no longer than what it'd had taken him to undress, his silver scales covered his draconic form. The smooth scales over his massive body reflected the sunlight, giving the iron ore color of his scales their shimmering silver color. His muscular legs pushed into the soil, his long talons tearing deep grooves into the grassy roots.

He heard the remaining troops in camp holler and cheer, shouting words of praise as they watched their commanding officer prepare to depart. Arching his back, he pushed himself into the sky, effortlessly soaring higher and higher into the warm summer sky.

Now. Now he would go home.