Chapter Sixteen

After peace was resolved between Edinburgh, Libelle and Eskil traveled through the mainland ensuring peace between all kingdoms that were familiar with dragons. Within just a few years, the war had completely come to an end. Mankind kept to their cities, maintained their crops and animals.

While the dragons reclaimed the nesting grounds they had inhabited hundreds of years before. They took back their mountains, and once again lived in an era where they could focus on themselves. The nesting grounds were soon covered in large nests, filled with hungry hatchlings.

Now that the war had been over for over two decades, the dragons were recovered from the numerous casualties they had faced in the battles. There were hundreds of new kin, and more eggs in the nests with captivated parents. It was a grand time for Björn, his family, and his cousins.

Libelle interrupted his thoughts, repeating her sentence to him again. "How long will you continue to fight for the king?"

Björn shrugged, "Until I get bored."

Astrid rolled her eyes at him, "Until you get bored? How are you not bored already? All you do is march your army and kill humans."

Björn shrugged again and Astrid sighed, "You know how mother feels about you fighting for that man, he's so lazy and refuses to do any of the hard work himself. Her and father worked so hard to gain peace throughout the land yet men continue to war with each other."

"I know, I understand that."

"Do you really?" Astrid grumbled. "They worked so hard to end the war and yet you still fight with them, I don't think you really understand."

Libelle chuckled, "It's alright Astrid. I dislike man, however that doesn't mean I hate them entirely."

"One day I'll stop fighting with them."

"You mean 'for them'?"

"One day he will have to stop fighting alongside them entirely, and it won't be his choice at that time. One day he will have to take my role as prince among our kind, and on that day his future will be decided."

Björn spun around, surprised to see his father just a few feet behind them. His father stood shirtless in a pair of leather slacks, his bare feet flattening the grass beneath him. Eskil's hair had grown since he last saw his father, and the black locks now wrapped around his collar bones.

The similarity in looks he shared with his father was uncanny. When staring at each other's faces, it was like they were staring into a mirror. His father was a few inches taller than Björn's mighty stature, towering over common men. His masculine and mighty posture was wider than Björn's, however the two were very comparable in strength.

Unlike his father and those born of two dragons, he and his siblings did not bear their draconic horns in their mortal forms. Parting his black hair, his father had a pair of long, textured black horns protruding from his skull. If Björn had been born with Eskil's vibrant red eyes, they could have been mistaken for the others doppelganger.

Eskil's piercing red eyes and taut jawline held truth with his words as he spoke. "He is the next in line to my title, as my first son, need I remind him."

Björn nodded his head at his father, "Glad to see you father. How have you been?"

Eskil rubbed his neck, "I would be doing better if your mother would stop constantly dragging me into the bedroom. She's been-"

"I'm going to stop you right there father. That's something I really don't need to know." Björn waved his hand and scowled. His parents had always been more open to him about their sex life than he ever cared for.

Libelle giggled, releasing Björn's hand and moving to stand beside Eskil. She nestled herself against his side, wrapping his arm around her slim waist. "Dear lifemate, I could take you back to our bed anytime I wanted."

There was a distinct flustered look on Eskil's face, "If you keep me in that room any longer I might actually die from exhaustion."

Björn and Astrid groaned speaking in unison, "Come on you two."