Chapter Seventeen

Sitting together by the hearth fire, Björn sipped on his ale while his father drank his wine. His mother and sister were in the large kitchen preparing a grand meal for his return, with the twins causing a great deal of ruckus at the table. It was turning into the type of evenings he truly missed.

Or so he thought…

"The date of your crowning is coming soon Björn." Eskil said, his eyes staring deep into the embers of the fire.

Björn sighed, "That it is father."

"Are you prepared?"

"I believe so."

"Then are you prepared to leave the foolishness of the mortal army behind?"

Björn scowled. He knew his father had never been particularly fond of his service in the mortal's army, just like his mother. He disliked it even more so because Björn was his heir, and by serving in the army of man he had slacked on his duties as the next prince.

It had reached a point, some of the elders of his kin had begun to take notice. They had started to complain, and demand he be more active in his future role. If it were not for Eskil, he would not have been allowed to even play soldier.

He took another drink of ale, "I'll have some things to do before I can leave the ranks. Assign a new commander and all."

Eskil glanced at him, "I thought only the Jarl could do that?"

He shrugged, "If I am to leave their ranks, then I will be the one to decide the one who shall take my place. As difficult as it will be, I wish to choose a good man."

Eskil snorted then, "I can agree with you there. What of that man Knut? You have always spoken highly of him."

"I've already asked, and the old man has already refused."

Eskil sighed, watching as the twins ran into the room and circled his chair. Only to dart back into the kitchen where their mother and elder sister resided. "Your coronation date is fast approaching Björn. You will be twenty five this fall, and on that date you will take my place."

Björn sighed, a look of mock annoyance on his face.

"You will take over my role as leader to our kin. You'll govern over them with our laws, you'll be the man I know you are. The dragon, ormr, I know you are."

"I know father."

"The council that has formed since the end of the war, all of them want to see more involvement from you. I know you are worthy. You are my blood. You have learned from your mother and I, so I know when the day comes you'll be ready. However, the old scales are doubtful."

"Why are they doubtful?" Björn asked, trying not to inhale his drink at the nickname his father called the elder dragons on the council.

Eskil snorted, "They've seen your old man in action plenty of times, but never you."

"They've never bothered to watch you and I spar before."

"I've assured them that you are equal in strength to me, if not stronger. You know how to fight in your true form, and you're just as lethal as you are now."

"Tell them that."

"I have."

"They haven't listened?"


They both sighed, before Eskil continued his speech. "There are five months before your name day. I want you to take this time to prepare your troops, and ready yourself to take my place."

"I understand father. I won't disappoint you."

Eskil stared at his son seriously, his brows narrowed together while his gaze analyzed his expression. He smiled, "Björn, you could never disappoint me. You are my son, my first son. Which means you are forced to bear the burden of being the next prince."

Eskil stood up and placed his hand on Björn's shoulder, looking into the kitchen at the rest of his family who happily played. "You have always made me proud. You always will. You are a wonderful son, a great man, and a fierce dragon."

"Thank you." Björn said with a soft smile.

Gala screamed, followed by a series of happy giggles. Her small body came running from the kitchen with her pale long locks fluttering behind her. She ran straight towards her father, her arms stretched up high. Eskil chuckled at her, lifting her up and cradling her against his hip and patting her lower back.

"The meal is done you two!" Astrid called from the doorway.

Eskil started towards the kitchen, but then paused while Gala pulled on the black scaled horns protruding from his scalp, acting as if she planned to hang from them. "I know you only just arrived, but your mother and I are leaving in the morning."

Björn stood up from the chair, poking at Gala's side to tickle her. "Where are you two off to?"

Eskil sighed, he didn't seem excited in the least. "Some Jarl wants to meet with your mother, and where she goes, I go."

"What about?"