Chapter Eighteen

"Something about peace with the lands to the west of here. Our kin have been traveling to new lands, and several have discovered islands that are perfect for nesting grounds. However, there are aggressive dwellers there that the jarls want to subdue." he sighed. "So, your mother and I will discuss plans to both make peace with those lands and allow our kin to dwell there, or it may be taken by force."

Björn snorted. "That sounds like the opposite of peace."

"I agree. Yet the beings who dwell on these islands are unlike any I've ever encountered before. They are not man, nor elf, nor dwarf. They are something… darker."

Björn hummed to himself, following his father towards the hand carved redwood table. "Sounds like a grand time… How long will you two be gone?"

Libelle looked up at him surprised, her bright blue eyes sparkling with her smile. "Eskil told you? I am not positive on the time, a few weeks at the most? Raynor and Gala will be coming with us."

"Quite a length of time." Björn smirked. "Won't the little ones keep you busy?"

Libelle smiled, "Those two always keep us very, very, occupied." She sat across from Björn and beside his father who sat at the head of the table. Gala sat beside their mother, kicking her feet under the table and ramming her toes into Raynor's knees. Raynor secured a spot beside him after Astrid sat to Björn's opposite side, poking at the steamed vegetables on their plates.

"I'll be leaving in the morning as well." Astrid smiled shyly.

"Where are you going?" Eskil asked, setting down his drink to stare wearily at his daughter.

"To the Stiarna Ljóss waterfall. To um, communicate with the Aesir for a period of time."

Björn winked and nudged his sister with his elbow, "What sort of naughty things will you be doing there?"

She pushed him back with her elbow and glared at him, "Nothing indecent if you must know. I wish to communicate with Freya before I-"

Eskil groaned, "I thought the two of you were taking some time apart before your twentieth name day?"

"It's already been a few weeks since I've seen him Father. And, I am not going to see him. Not yet at least."

Wiggling his eyebrows, Björn smirked. "Time apart? She could hardly stand having him by her side the last year or so. Wasn't that plenty of time?"

His father growled at him, "No it is not enough. Your mother may have detested their joining when she was younger. However, as she gets older your mother cares less and I care more." He sighed and looked pleadingly at his eldest daughter. "Astrid, go back to being a child, please?"

"Are we ignoring the fact that she's going to see him despite what mother said?"

Astrid stiffened and pressed her fork against Bjorns side, "I already said I am not going to see him. I need to speak with Frigg."

"Didn't you just say you needed to speak with Freya?" Bjorn asked.

Astrid's glare intensified. "I need to commune with both of them."

Libelle sliced a piece of meat, "Go wherever and commune with whomever, it just cannot be Theron."

Astrid groaned and rolled her eyes, to which her mother added, "If I find out that you've been visiting Theron, you will pay for lying to me." Björn laughed as he watched his sister swallow hard and look a little nervous at their mothers promis, he loved teasing his sister, and found his father's agony over the subject entertaining. "I suppose you'll want me to watch the homestead while you're gone?"

"Since you'll be here, I would appreciate the gesture." Libelle said.

Björn groaned as if he were displeased. "I suppose I can be bothered to do that." He said sarcastically. "I will be returning to Edinburgh in a months time, so if the two of you have not returned by then I will have to leave the home unattended."

Eskil resting his cheek against his fist, "Remember our conversation from earlier."

"Yes father. I will return in time for the ceremony, I'll be home before the change of the seasons."

Eskil simply nodded and continued eating. Libelle smiled at Bjorn, "Thank you, it will be one less thing for him to worry about. Now, everyone eat before your meal gets cold."

She gestured towards the table full of delicious looking foods, cooked and salted meats, fresh and steamed vegetables, fruits, breads, desserts. It was a meal fit for a king, and he was going to enjoy every bite of it.