Chapter Thirty-four

Libelle took a step towards Vernon as he backed himself against the railing, Eskil's protective hold moving with her. "My children, our children-" she pointed to Eskil. "-are of your prince, from my womb: and you continue to insult them. They have our spirit, and would protect their family as such. Perhaps if you did not appear with such malice, you could have been welcomed more warmly."

Vernon cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the unwanted confrontation with the she-elf. "Spirit, yes they have that. But my lady, attacking their own kin for no reason-"

"No reason?" she snapped. "You three arrived outside our window with bloodlust on your mind. Your spirits are of darkness at this time. My children, did exactly what you or any dragon would have done in this situation."

Vernon looked away, bowing his head to her. "You are right, my apologies my lady."

"Spineless as ever Uncle Vernon." Eric chuckled, fluttering down to perch behind his uncle. His form shifting to another mans, except Eric appeared much younger than Vernon. His medium length brown hair was mildly curly, and his golden eyes were much brighter.

He shredded another portion of the curtain, wrapping it around his waist and smirking at Eskil who barred his teeth at him. "Those spawns from Helheim are unlike all our kin. They are vile and unpredictab-"

Libelle's usual tender expression faded in an instant and Eskil did not attempt to stand between her and their offender. He watched as she shed the sheath around her sword and threw it to the ground behind her. In one swift move she rushed up to Eric, pushing him backwards while simultaneously holding her sharp blade against his throat.

"Watch your tongue Eric." She hissed, her eyes beginning to shimmer as the magical energy of her race began to pulsate within her. "I do not care who or what you are. If you insult my family, I will slice your throat like I would gut a pig."

Eric smiled at her, raising his hands. His father Hager snorted above him, refusing to perch against the building. "I apologize, I am sorry for speaking ill of your family. Though I uh, I see where they get their temper."

Libelle pressed her sword against his throat further, the edge of the blade digging into his flesh and drawing blood. A trickle fell from the blade, slowly weaving its way down his neck to his chest. She barred her teeth like a beast, her vibrant blue eyes narrowed. The way she looked at him, was the way a wolf stared down its prey.

"Don't test my patience Eric. Those are my children. If you speak ill of them one more time, if you even think of it. I'll revert to the old ways, and I will slaughter you like the slayer I was born as."

Eskil moved closer, his scaled lips curling as he spoke. "My lifemate speaks the truth. I will not blame her for taking such actions. Especially when you've not only insulted my family, but you came here with such bloodlust. Its pungent in the air."

He grimaced, "My apologies Prince."

"We did not… intend to upset you and your lovely lifemate by our arrival, Eskil." Hager chuckled. "We simply came to… talk."

Libelle glared at Eric once more, "Insult my children ever again-"

"I won't live to see another day. I understand my lady. Please forgive me for my thoughtless words." Eric smiled at her, reminding her so much of a snake.

She gritted her teeth, looking up at Eskil who nodded at her, his expression only gentle towards her. She withdrew her blade and stepped away from Eric.

"Lifemate, I shall wait for you inside." she said, turning and walking back into their large room. She slammed the glass window panes behind her. Her shadow fading past the four poster bed.

Eskil watched her go before turning back to his cousins, "I shall speak with you, but not here. Follow me."

He released the stone walls, pushing himself up into the air and soaring into the night sky. Vernon and Eric shifted and quickly rose up to fly up beside him. Hager followed closely behind the three of them. They flew high in the sky away from the large castle the jarl's had men tirelessly work to build.

Passing the nearby falls, they crossed a large lake and landed on a small grassy plains just past the shore line. Eskil chose the tallest spot among them, remaining in his true form to speak with them. The three male dragons landing before him, their heads held high.

"So…" Eskil said, adjusting his weight on his wings. "What is it you needed to speak about so eagerly?"

Hager snorted again, "To get straight to the point, it's about your son Björn."

Eskil rose a brow and curled his lip, "Björn? What about him."

Vernon spoke next, "We don't believe your son is qualified to be the next prince."

Eskil's red eyes narrowed. "Explain yourself."

"You son was born from a she-elf. He is not a true dragon." Hager explained.