Chapter Thirty-five

"Outrageous. Björn is no less a dragon than you or I."

Vernon glanced at his brother Hager. "Eskil, your son is more mortal than dragon. He fights in man's army, acting as some sort of general. Even having several of our cousin's fight for him. He spends more time in man's cities than he does with our kind. He mates with mortal women simply for pleasure.

"He does not attend meetings with the council. He does not make his presence known among us. He hardly ever visits the nesting grounds. From what we can see, he is much more man."

Eskil shook his head, displeased and annoyed. "My son works to maintain the peace we have worked so hard to achieve with man. You knew that when he joined Edinburgh's ranks."

"It still doesn't explain why he has to behave like one. Do you know how many lovemate's he has taken into his bed?" Hager snapped.

Eskil curled his nose, "I'd rather not know my son's conquests of bedmates. However, bedding mortals is nothing taboo for our kin. Do you not realize how many of our brothers and sisters have found their lifemate's among the mortals?"

"A lifemate is different Eskil, you know that." Vernon argued.

Eskil puffed out his chest, "My son has done me proud, and has done well in his mere twenty four years. He is my son, my successor. What would you have me do?"

"Let my son, Eric, take his place as next in line." Hager smirked.

Eskil's unexpected growl sent a chill down their spine, his razor like teeth glistened in the moonlight all at once as his head spun and his gaze locked on the young dragon. Eric was around the same age as Björn, but had made himself well known among their kind.

He proved himself strong, admirable, and dedicated. His father and uncle had fought alongside Eskil in the later years of the war. Both proving their strength and allegiance to their kin's survival. His lineage was well known.

Eric tried to hold his head high, to maintain a proud and selfish smirk. Yet with Eskil's enormous body looming over him with a predatory aura, he couldn't help but avert his gaze. The size comparison between Eskil and his offspring was not so different, yet in comparison to those who were produced from his flesh: the size difference was great.

"You want me to let this whelp take place as next in line?" Eskil asked, trying to figure out if he understood their statement.

"Yes, we do." Hager said. "Vernon, myself, and many of the others on the council feel my son is much more suited for the role."

Vernon tried to recover for his brother's insult, "Eskil, you have been an amazing leader to all of us. The Aesir named you prince for a reason. You've led us through battle and fought gloriously. You only want to pass along your title to spend more time with your lifemate correct?"

Eskil's eyes fixated on Vernon.

"Why allow someone who is not respected by our kin to lead us? Why not allow someone who has proved his worth to lead?" Vernon finished.

"My son is more than suited to lead our kind. My son is strong and he is wise. Nothing you say can deter my decision."

Eric shuffled his brown wings and took a step closer to Eskil, only to take several steps back once his piercing gaze practically crushed him. "Your son Eskil, unlike myself, is not suited for a role as the next prince. I can prove it."

Hager and Vernon smiled at the boy, and Eskil finally understood these two's role in the youngsters upbringing. They fought with him in the war like any of his dedicated kinsman, yet at the first glimpse of being able to have power: they made the move to take it.

From what he could see while looking at Eric, they raised the male for this specific purpose. They would most likely control the male behind the scenes to. He couldn't have that.

"How do you intend to prove such a thing Eric?" Eskil sighed.

"Let me fight Björn. On his name day, when you planned to crown him. Let me fight him, and I will win. I will show you I am stronger, and I am more suited to be prince."

Eskil looked between Vernon and Hager, both seemed to be sticking their chests out in pride. "You think you can best my son?"

"I know I can." Eric said.

Eskil hissed, slamming his tail onto the ground and walked up to Eric. He bit down onto the air beside his neck, watching as Vernon and Hager moved closer to defend their trophy.

"By wanting to challenge my son, it's as if you want to challenge me."

Eric's golden eyes widened in fear. "No! No Eskil, I would never challenge you."

"Why?" he hummed.

"Because, you are the vessel. The first. I could not challenge you!" Eric stammered.

"Yet you challenge my son?"

Eric looked to his uncle and father for help, and Hager stepped up to speak. "Let me son challenge yours Eskil. Let them decide who is stronger."

Eskil wanted to bring the three insolent males down, to strike them hard and fast and watch them bleed out in the fields. Yet he wouldn't do that, not today.

"To rule over our kind, to be prince… requires much more than strength."

Hager nodded, "I agree. My son possesses all of the abilities one requires to be a prince."

Eskil felt his pulse pounding through his head, his arteries suddenly dilating as rage took over him. He may not allow them to bleed out in the field, but he would surely remind them who they were talking with. He lunged forward and clamped his fangs down over Hager's neck. His canines sinking deep into his flesh as Hager roared out in pain. Neither of the other two stepped in to intervene though.

Not even as Eskil lifted his flailing brethren into the air and slammed him down onto the ground. Releasing his neck, Eskil pinned the gasping males head down with his foot. His low voice sounded like death whispering.

"Compare your offspring to myself, or my children again: and I will send you back to Muspelheim."

"I am sorry Prince Eskil." Hager choked out. "It will not happen again."

Eskil released him. "I will see you on my son's name day…" he said, turning to slowly walk away. His large wings spread out completely while Eric and Vernon rushed to Hager's side.

"I will gladly watch my son put all three of you back into your rightful place."