Chapter Thirty-six

"Aesir damn me huh?" Berodach asked, staring up at Björn who was wiping the spilt soup from his chest.

"I'm sorry." Björn mumbled, completely embarrassed.

"It'll help me recover my strength huh?" Berodach asked sarcastically.

"I really didn't mean to."

"And I am the imbecile?" Berodach was thoroughly enjoying watching the prince squirm for once.

Björn groaned, defeated and mortified. "No, I suppose I am."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, for the third time that day he was changing the linen bandages wrapped around the majority of Berodach's body. Throwing the broth soaked wrappings into the fresh bucket beside him.

Wiping Berodach's bruised and battered body with a gentle lavender scented soap, Björn cleaned his body and replaced the linen bandages. All while Berodach laid limp on the fresh comforter on the bed.

The ancient's green eyes were condescending and not once did he cease to stare at Björn. It made the young prince feel even more uncomfortable and less at ease. He couldn't believe it himself, to have forgotten about the short table he had placed near the bed earlier in the day… it was an unfortunate blunder.

Tripping over the furniture, he practically threw the steaming hot soup all over Berodach. Covering him from neck to waist in the hot broth. Exciting a shocked scream from the already pain wracked dragon.

Now, nearly an hour later. He hasn't once stopped teasing him about his mistake.

"There, you're clean and your bandages are all changed." Björn sighed. "I'll go fetch you another bowl of soup."

"You don't need to. It's late in the evening, I am sure you need your rest."

"I'll be fine." Björn smiled at him, standing up and approaching the door. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Are you going to throw it at me again?" Berodach asked suspiciously.

"I'll try not to."

Berodach chuckled, then winced. "Well, at least you'll try."

Björn closed the door behind himself and sighed, rubbing the sleep from the corners of his eyes. Pushing himself away from the door, he walked down the dim hallway and jogged down the wide stairwell.

A large pot of broth was still hanging over the fire, the low flame keeping the pot hot enough that steam continued to funnel from the parted lid. Collecting another bowl, he ladled out another serving. Placing the bowl on another serving tray, he sliced a piece of bread and poured a tall glass of cool water and set that on the tray as well.

Carefully walking back to Berodach's room he guided himself slowly to ensure he wouldn't make another mistake and throw the food again. He nudged the door open with his heel, backing into the room and ensuring he had a clear walking path to the bedside. Berodach seemed to be watching him nervously, his eyes tracing his every movement.

It wasn't until Björn set the tray down on the nightstand did he visibly relax. Björn sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on the pillows behind Berodach to bring him into a semi-upright position. Placing the tray on Berodach's lap, Björn watched as the dragon tried to lift his tattered arms. Lifting a spoon without shaking all of the liquid from it was impossible for the time being.

"I'll help you." Björn said.

Berodach winced, "I'd like to say you've helped enough… but I am famished, so go ahead."

Björn averted his gaze, then sighed. Taking a small spoonful, he held it up to Berodach's lips. "I'll only tell you one more time Bear… I am not sorry for using that magic on you."

His emerald eyes questioned his words, it had been a long time since Björn had called him by that short name. He sipped on the broth to test its flavor, letting the warm liquid fall down his throat. He understood why Björn did what he did, but it did not make him any more pleased.

"If I hadn't used mother's magic on you, there is no doubt in my mind you wouldn't have bled out in that field."

"I understand little prince." Berodach coughed. "You have my sincerest apologies for acting out the way I did this afternoon."

Björn smirked. "You don't need to apologize Bear. I did something I knew would anger you, it's my fault. I was being selfish and greedy, not wanting to let you pass on. Your anger was justified."

Berodach grimaced as he tried to push himself upright, feeling every joint in his body groan in rebellion. "Little prince, you saved my life. For that I am grateful. I just worry what will become of me now that I am trapped in the form of a mortal."

"You just need to find your lifemate. When you find her, you'll know what true love is. That emotion is what you can use to get back into your true form."

Bear's calm expression suddenly became solemn. He paused mid-sip of the soup and looked down at his feet. Darkness fell over his bright eyes, he looked terrible. As if demons from his past were wrapping themselves around his muscular throat.

"I fear that will be impossible for me little prince." he whispered.

Björn smiled, trying to be comforting. "It's never impossible Bear."

"It is for me. I am incapable of love." he said, his sad eyes meeting Björn's. "I always have been."