Chapter Thirty-eight

Nearly two weeks had passed since Berodach had first woken. Each day was spent with Bear bedridden, forbidden from getting up by the little prince while a routine fell into place.

Laying in the bed, he would hear Björn wake early. Then hear him in the kitchen where he cooked a hearty meal. It wouldn't be long after that, that he would enter the room and place the tray of food on his lap. Each day the meal was something different, yet each one was delicious. Thus far, it was one thing he could say he appreciated… the good food.

His strength was returning, and he was finally able to eat on his own. Yet Björn would watch him, engaging in uncomfortable one-sided conversations. Typically telling Bear stories of his past, or his current endeavors with man's army. Bear never knew what to say, how to respond. How could he? Such conversations were incredibly unfamiliar to him.

Not once in his entire existence, had he ever conversed with another being like he did with Björn. How does one have a conversation about anything other than bloodshed? How does one speak so openly about their history?

As soon as he finished eating, Björn would remove the tray and leave the house to attend to the tasks his parents assigned him. Tend to the livestock, the crops, and the manor. He would be gone for several hours at a time. Though he always returned around the same time.

He would wash himself up, changing his clothes before returning to Bear's room. Each afternoon he would clean the dragon's wounds and change the linen bandages. The afternoon was spent in silence on occasion, and the only time the two always conversed was over meals.

Björn still knew so little of the dragon who could weave time at the slightest thought. Yet Bear grew to know so much about the young man who had been incredibly precious to him as a boy. During the time he didn't see Björn as a child, he discovered he spent his time learning.

Studying history of his kin, of mortals, of the war, anything he could possibly get his hands on. He trained with his father and mother, learning how to be the most efficient killer if time ever called for it. Joining the ranks of man's army at the mere age of eighteen, despite his parents' wishes.

He had climbed the ranks of the mortal army, now leading hundreds of men as a general. With his masculine appearance, his intelligent mind, and his charismatic character: he had bedded many woman in his short service. Even now, women lusted after him as his service was nearing an end to take the place as prince for his father.

The stories Björn shared were enough to amuse Bear, yet it was unbearable to listen to. It was driving the ancient mad. The more he learned of the male's sexual conquests, the more he found himself growing unexplainably irritated. A sensation he was not familiar with.

However, today was an exception and he found himself much less irritable than usual. As Björn was once again removing the bandages from his body, a familiar feeling was sending warmth throughout Bear's body It was something he only felt when Björn touched him. Why?

While Björn's calloused hands massaged a healing ointment over his skin, it sent electrifying sensations through him. It felt as if his body was being caressed by the soothing heat of a fire. The whole sensation was comforting, easing the tension from his body and relaxing his mind.

Every single time that Björn touched him, he felt the same sensation. It was both calming and exhilarating. He craved more of it with each experience. With each passing day, the sensation also grew much stronger. It was becoming something he looked forward to. To being touched. Perhaps it could be that he'd never been touched so gently before.

He could not understand it. What would cause him to feel so at ease? He had to assume Björn felt it to, catching the young man gazing at his palm each time he touched him. What was it? What could possibly be making me feel this way?

Björn's words interrupted his thoughts. "Your wounds are all closed. They're still healing, and it will be awhile before you are completely healed… but I think it would be alright for you to start moving."

Bear rolled his eyes and stretched his neck, "Finally! I was sure you were about to chain me to this wretched thing."

Björn chuckled, "I'd say take it slow. Let me help you get around until your strength has returned entirely."

Bear stared at him from the corner of his eyes, "I suppose I can oblige to that simple of request."

"Do you want to try moving about now?"

Bear pushed himself up from the pillows and sat upright. "Nothing would please me more." He said with a rough grin.

Björn smiled, taking Bear's hands in his and pulling him up to his feet. Catching him as he stumbled forward, his strong arms wrapped around Bear's thick waist. Bear inhaled sharply, the warmth from his touch excelled even further, causing his knees to tremble.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, just give me a moment."