Chapter Thirty-nine

Björn stood still, realizing quickly how much larger Bear was. Their height was similar, yet Bear still stood taller than him. Björn's eyes level with his chin. Compared to Björn's muscular and lean build, Bear was much thicker. His muscles were larger, yet no less defined. His skin was a light beige, his messy brown hair reaching his collar bones.

His face was rectangular in shape with a strong jawline and pointed chin. His high cheekbones formed delicious lines outlining his mouth. He had slightly arched, thick brows with evenly spaced piercing eyes. His straight, chiseled nose led to his full lips. Partially hidden by weeks' worth of outgrowth of his deep brown facial hair. His only flaw, were the countless scars covering his body.

Lasses in the town were surely to fall for his appearance, and perhaps with Björn's help: the ancient could find his lifemate among the mortals. Björn secured his arm around Bear's waist while holding Bear's arm over his shoulders. It had been two weeks since Bear had stood up, and his body was weaker than he thought. Yet stretching his legs, to be able to be rid of most of his bandages, to be able to walk: felt freeing for him.

"Go slowly." Björn said, guiding him out of the room, down the hallway and to the stairs.

"I know how to walk Björn." he grunted.

"Yes, you do. However you're still weak."

Bear scoffed. "Me? Weak? Hah, what a joke."

Björn cocked his brow at him. "I can let you go if you think you can do this yourself."

His grip loosened around Bear's waist and he released his arm that was around his shoulder. Only a quarter of the way down the treacherous flight of stairs he saw panic instantly appear in Bear's eyes.

"Don't!" he gasped, nearly tripping.

Björn caught him and laughed, "Not so strong now are you?"

"Curse you and that spiteful attitude of yours. You are so much like your mother its terrifying. Vindictive that woman." Bear grumbled, taking one more slow step.

"You sink or swim with Mother." Björn smiled.

"Or in this case, walk or break my neck falling down these damned stairs."

Laughing again, Björn eased Bear down the last step and escorted him outside. The sun was shining high in the sky and the summer air was warm. Insects were chirping in the nearby gardens, birds singing in the trees, and a gentle breeze carrying the scent of the sea over the mountains the manor resided on.

It was a peaceful day. Especially to sit on the cushioned bench outside the manor doors. Björn helped him sit down on the bench, quickly glancing over his wounds to ensure they did not reopen. The bright pink tissue contrasted greatly to his light colored skin. The wounds had healed nicely, but he had added a dozen more scars to his already numerous collection.

Björn traced his fingertips over the most serious wound. Deep lacerations over Bear's chest had taken the longest to heal, but the wound was finally closed. The healing capabilities of dragons was impeccable. Björn withdrew his hand and stared at his fingers curiously.

"Does your skin get warm when you touch me?" Bear asked, realizing his thoughts had been said aloud.

Björn's head jerked up surprised. "Uh, well yes actually. Does yours?"

Bear nodded hesitantly.

Björn looked back at his fingers, "I wonder if it is from the ointment I've been using. It is a slightly different recipe than I've used in the past."

"Perhaps..." Bear said slowly, his heart suddenly pounding while he tried to control his stoic expression.

During these two weeks, he had experienced so many new things. Yet he had never expected, nor hoped he would experience this.

Björn flashed his dimples. "Would you like me to stay here with you?"

"I am not a child little prince. If you have tasks to attend to, see to them." Bear looked outwards toward the garden, and waved his hand dismissively.

"I was going to go down the mountain for a short while. See if I can catch a deer for dinner tonight. Will you be alright staying here?"

Bear rested his head back on the cushion, murmuring something along the lines of 'yes.' Björn watched as he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, the flickering sunlight from behind the tree bouncing around his bare chest and face. The largest pair of pants his father owned barely fitting his thick thighs, seemed to warm him as the black material absorbed the light.

"Go along now." Bear said, personally wanting the young dragon to be far away from himself. Now.

"I won't be long." Björn said.

"Mhm." Bear mumbled, seeming to be drifting to sleep in Bjorn's gaze. His healing body required so much energy, and sleep, precisely feigning sleep, was becoming easier for him to practice when he did not want to be bothered, or to avoid troubling Bjorn.

"If you need anything… see the large bell that's hanging from the post here?" Björn pointed to the metal bell attached to the pillar of the manor. "Mother used it to call us if we were too far out of shouting range. Ring it and I'll come back right away."

Bear grunted, adjusting the pillows beneath his weight. "I'll be fine little prince."

Björn chuckled, leaving him alone for a moment to enter the house again. He returned moments later with a large hunting bow and quiver slung over his shoulder, eliciting a raised brow from Bear.

"A dragon hunting a stag with bow and arrow?"

Bjorn's smile was childish, "I find that this way, I damage the meat less. I could easily catch one with my teeth, but it's hard to get a prime cut of meat when its torn practically half.

They both chuckled, exchanging an awkward glance at one another. Bjorn cleared his throat. "I'll be off then."

He nodded his head to Bear whose eyes were now closed, his expression calm and peaceful. With his weapons ready, Bjorn started off at a light jog through the yard and into the tree line. His footsteps silent even as he disappeared into the thick brush.

Bear watched him go from his slightly parted eyes. Counting as the minutes passed by. Waiting until he was far enough away. Waiting to call for the wretch who had just damned him further than if he had been still trapped in oblivion.
