Part 2: Chapter 18: Snaking through Africa

For two days they drove in an eastern direction. The White Nile ever-present as the landscape changed from region to region. Fangak's lifestyle differs from the rest of the country. It was harsher, slower and infested with unknown critters. People were fearful of the place and stayed away, her destination a prison she could not escape from.

They never stopped unless it was for food or to relieve themselves. They drove in silence. Tau never touched her again, but took care of her. The driver, Kwame Okiro, took deep puffs from the thin cigar he cradled between yellow teeth.

Each time Sonia woke she watched her abductors, and though they seldom looked at her she knew they were attentive. Their shoulders taught, eyes awake - always scanning the area for any trouble.

To avoid them she stared out the window and relived the weekend with Curt McGee. A time trapped in a distinct reality. To meet him changed her world. Their paths predestined to intertwine. His care and love touched her.