Part 2: Chapter 40: Malaria struck the camp

Tau punched his fists in the nearest post and the whole tent shook. He had not seen her for days, and now this.

"Come, Tau," Kwame said. "He will know how to treat her." Tau allowed the bigger man to lead him away. He sat at the fire and prayed as he saw her often did.

His wife needed her God, and he might as well pray to Him for healing. There was a time during their talks she shared what she had read in the Bible. Her excitement touched him. Now he could kick himself. He should have given more attention to her talks.

He found the Bible on their bed and sat down. It opened at Psalm 103:13. "As a Father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for He knows how we are formed; He remembers that we are dust. Verse 17: But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him."

He paused before he continued. Then he prayed: "God, I am unfamiliar with you, but Sonia, my wife, knows you. Heal her. Amen."