Part 2: Chapter 41: It was an endless search

"What is this, Captain Bogart?" Curt asked the head nurse.

"My resignation papers, Sir."

"Why was I not prepped about it earlier? This is short notice?" Vivian demanded he should return home. This was not a suitable time for sudden changes. To find a head nurse was almost as impossible as finding a needle in a haystack.

"It does not matter," she replied. "What matters is that I leave at the end of the week." Her careless attitude was new to him.

"It doesn't give me time," he pointed out and rose to his full height, towering over the thin woman.

"Yes." She tilted her head. Her defiance was obvious in her posture. He wondered why she ever chose her career.

"This will not do." He could barely hold his anger.

"Well Sir, it's done and I am leaving."

Curt plopped on his chair in unbelief. He should charge her with insubordination, he thought. It would teach her respect, but rebuke tapped his consciousness and let it go. "Sorry, Lord," he whispered. "You will provide a head nurse."