Chapter 48 - Saint

"What's on your mind?" Ransom asked as I shut the door to my level of the warehouse.

I had no idea how to say what I needed to say. To put it out there. I just prayed Ransom wasn't going to kill me for it. Needing more time to gather my thoughts, I walked to the kitchen/dining area of my home. Pulled open the fridge, grabbed two beers.

I held up one for him, one eyebrow raised.


I tossed it to him. We opened them, toasted each other, tipped back the first drink.

"Come on, Saint. You're fucking killing me, man." Ransom grabbed a chair from the table, pulled it back, sat down.

I winced. "If we all have magic, and we're all shifters, how do you think it's going to impact not only our business, but our…sharing tendencies?"

Ransom just stared at me. "We don't know yet that Kiema can touch anyone but me."

I felt my hackles rise. I tamped them back down. "I know. Gaia, do I know that."

"Then what the fuck, bro?"