Chapter 47 - Ransom

We'd made it back to North Cross in less than three hours. Taryk had pulled some strings and we were given an escort. We jettisoned through traffic.

"We got the lock on her phone, now we just need for her to stop moving," Xander said as he dropped his shit next to his console of screens and computer equipment.

"How far can the signal trace her?" I asked. I can't lose her. Not like this.

"The only reason we would lose her is if they find the phone or her battery dies. Hopefully it was fully charged when they took her." The array of screens on his end of the warehouse took up the full south wall. "I've got the system set up to warn me if they stop for longer than five minutes."

I nodded. "What can I do? I need to do something."

"Go with Taryk. We need to do some deeper diving on information on Iron Serpent. They're either so far off the radar that they don't show, or they have some high-powered friends." Xander didn't bother turning from the screens.