Chapter 53 - Taryk

Three days later

Midnight. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Another day of fucking disappointments.

"T, you got a call from an unknown," Xander said over the warehouse comm system. He didn't sound tired at all.

"Tracing it?" I asked.

He snorted. "Yeah, up your ass, man. Who you think you're talking to? You can come here and take it." He disconnected.

I pushed up from my desk on the first floor. The other offices were dark. The guys had all gone up to their various beds already. I couldn't bring myself to leave. It felt like I was failing her. Just like I'd failed...

I cut the thought off. No need getting all emotional about it.

Emotion clouded the brain, made it ten times harder to complete the task at hand. This was one of the single most important tasks of my life. I wasn't going to let emotion stop me from saving Kiema.