Chapter 54 - Kiema

"Xander, how's everything? Every…thing good on that end?" I asked as Lukas crept back out under the rock that hid our current hiding spot.

"It's good, sweets. All good."

I closed my eyes, they were burning with the need to cry. I just didn't have enough moisture to spare. "Good. Any idea on when Taryk should be getting here?"

"You're only about an hour away, Kiema. He'll move heaven and earth to get to you as fast as possible."

I wiped my hand under my nose. "Thanks for picking up the phone. I know it's really late."

"I was up already. We…" he cleared his throat, "I've been looking for you. You're a hard woman to find."

That they had been looking for me, that he and Taryk answered my phone call in the middle of the fucking night, not only healed my heart, it melted it. These men were mine. All of them. I wasn't going to share. I wasn't going to let anyone hurt them. They were mine.