Chapter 93 - Saint

I shut the connection before they could yell at me.

Ransom's chin dipped ever so slightly. He looked at me.

I thought I knew every expression that could possibly wash over my brother's face. I had been wrong. I just hoped my own ferocious agony wasn't written as clearly on my own features.

"We've got to hold off long enough for the others to get here," I said mentally.

Kiema's hair swished as Heppni moved their shared head. Heppni glared at the room. "What is this infernal buzzing? Do you have insects in your home? Are all humans so filthy?"

Almost crying in relief that Heppni couldn't hear our mental thoughts, Ransom and I hatched a hasty plan to keep the entity occupied. I swallowed the bile that crept up my throat at what we both had to do.